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#Wellbeing #Practice #Paper #Coaching #pyschology
School-Based Positive Psychology Interventions that Promote Well-Being in Children: A Systematic Review
School-Based Positive Psychology Interventions that Promote Well-Being in Children: A Systematic Review
The present study aimed to identify which school-based positive psychology interventions are effective for increasing children’s well-being; synthesize existing interventions; and summarize the quality of identified studies. This systematic literature review includes publications up to August 2020, retrieved from the PsycINFO, ERIC and Scopus databases. This review comprises fifteen studies that fit the inclusion and exclusion criteria. Most of the interventions, programs and curricula that aimed to promote children’s well-being focused on elements of subjective well-being, and their effects remained in the short and long-term. Most of the programs that showed a positive effect on well-being were delivered by teachers, which may have enhanced the success of the programs. To be effective, the content of interventions can include a single component or multiple components of well-being. Further research is needed to verify the impact of the effects on well-being through follow-up assessments. The overall quality of the reports is adequate, but most of them lack a randomized controlled design.
School-Based Positive Psychology Interventions that Promote Well-Being in Children: A Systematic Review
Overcoming Imposter Syndrome and Stereotype Threat: Reconceptualizing the Definition of a ScholarReconceptualizing the Definition of a Scholar
Overcoming Imposter Syndrome and Stereotype Threat: Reconceptualizing the Definition of a ScholarReconceptualizing the Definition of a Scholar
"If I didn’t define myself for myself, I would be crunched into other people’s fantasies for me and eaten alive."—Audre Lorde In this critical autoethnography I will explore the theoretical underpinnings of the imposter syndrome, stereotype threat, and intersectionality to give voice to my lived experiences as a young, Black woman in the predominately middle-aged, White, male academy. While retelling the stories of both my childhood and young adulthood, I will speak my truth while connecting theory to praxis. I will also explain how I overcame imposter syndrome and stereotype threat by reconceptualizing the definition of a scholar. In the spirit of the opening quote from Audre Lorde, I had to define myself for myself to both survive and thrive. Finally, I will offer several recommendations for women of color to consider as they navigate their own space and place in the elusive ivory tower.
Overcoming Imposter Syndrome and Stereotype Threat: Reconceptualizing the Definition of a ScholarReconceptualizing the Definition of a Scholar
Harnessing the Brain's Capacity for Plasticity, Siobhán Harty
Harnessing the Brain's Capacity for Plasticity, Siobhán Harty
Modern investigations in the field of neuroscience have revealed that, contrary to long held beliefs, the brain has a remarkable capacity to adapt its structure and function throughout the life span. These adaptations are mediated by experience induced changes in the synaptic strength of neural connections, a process referred to as europlasticity. This review presents evidence of how knowledge of the brain’s plastic property can be applied to ameliorate deficits resulting from acquired brain damage and neurodevelopmental disorders, as well as to counter the neural degeneration associated with normal ageing. A vast number of promoting and constraining factors can modulate the extent and efficiency of neuroplasticity. This review examines the current state of knowledge of three of these variables: the degree of damage, the timing of interventions, and the attentional and motivational states of the individual. These variables are discussed in terms of how they can serve to facilitate or inhibit neuroplasticity. Furthermore, it is described how a detailed understanding of the neural mechanisms underlying the influence of these variables can be translated to clinical research and practice, and ultimately optimise functional outcome.
Harnessing the Brain's Capacity for Plasticity, Siobhán Harty