Found 26 bookmarks
Being a Better Coach and Mentor: How to help your coachee/mentee gain confidence
Being a Better Coach and Mentor: How to help your coachee/mentee gain confidence
In this ¾ hour seminar, we learned key strategies to help your coachee or mentee overcome barriers to confidence. We explored factors that lead to a loss of confidence and discussed techniques for promoting self-compassion and strength-based growth.
Being a Better Coach and Mentor: How to help your coachee/mentee gain confidence
Being a Better Coach and Mentor Series: Challenging Imposter Syndrome IS
Being a Better Coach and Mentor Series: Challenging Imposter Syndrome IS
In this 45-minute seminar, we explored how to address Imposter Syndrome (IS) through coaching and Positive Psychology. Focusing on key concepts like the Dunning-Kruger Effect and the neuroscience behind IS, we discussed how IS manifests through behaviours such as People Pleasing, Perfectionism, Paralysis, and Procrastination (the 4 P’s). Participants also explored how to leverage personal strengths to counteract IS and foster success in coaching and mentoring roles. By the end of this talk, participants have: • Gained an understanding of the Dunning-Kruger Effect and its impact on IS. • Discussed the neuroscience of IS and the influence of the 4 P’s. • Explored how the 4 P’s of IS affect personal and professional life. • Discussed role diversity, inclusion, and their effect on success and leadership. • Developed strategies to apply personal strengths to mitigate feelings of IS.
Being a Better Coach and Mentor Series: Challenging Imposter Syndrome IS
Being a Better Coach and Mentor Series Harnessing Strengths in Teams A Case Study
Being a Better Coach and Mentor Series Harnessing Strengths in Teams A Case Study
In this ¾hr seminar, we will examine a specific strengths identification tool and present a case study where this was used in a marketing team, together with pitfalls and positives. The learning from this example, could help those working in teams utilise this strengths identification tool, or similar, to maximise individual energy and workload. In this session, the following will be discussed: - The strengths tool used to identify individual strengths - How these individual strengths were then collated and cross-matched for the team - The subsequent workshops held - The positive outcomes - The challenges - What could have been done differently?
Being a Better Coach and Mentor Series Harnessing Strengths in Teams A Case Study
Being a Better Coach & Mentor Exploring 2nd Wave Positive Pyschology
Being a Better Coach & Mentor Exploring 2nd Wave Positive Pyschology
In this ¾hr seminar, we will revisit the Positive Psychology (PP) movement that was touched on previously with those who participated in the Coaching in Higher Education Foundation Level programme. We will discuss some exciting new ways of bringing PP principles into group settings and the implications for Higher Education Coaching and Mentoring. In this session, the following will be discussed: - Tips to successfully teach PP in group settings - Potential barriers to successfully teaching PP in groups settings - PP in hope therapy - PP Intervention using photographs - Using strengths in different ways - meeting others with similar strengths - Decoding emotions by analysing speech, body, and face - Silent gratitude mapping.
In this ¾hr seminar, we will revisit the Positive Psychology (PP) movement that was touched on previously with those who participated in the Coaching in Higher Education Foundation Level programme. We will discuss some exciting new ways of bringing PP principles into group settings and the implications for Higher Education Coaching and Mentoring. In this session, the following will be discussed: - Tips to successfully teach PP in group settings - Potential barriers to successfully teaching PP in groups settings - PP in hope therapy - PP Intervention using photographs - Using strengths in different ways - meeting others with similar strengths - Decoding emotions by analysing speech, body, and face - Silent gratitude mapping
Being a Better Coach & Mentor Exploring 2nd Wave Positive Pyschology
Being a Better Coach & Mentor Self care coaching
Being a Better Coach & Mentor Self care coaching
"This ¾ hr talk explored self-care coaching and how you can help your coachee and yourself to be more cognisant of self-care. This talk was not just for coaches or mentors, but for anyone who functions within an environment that is constantly caring for other, always available and willing to help i.e., teachers, lecturers, team leaders, team members, support staff, parents etc."
Being a Better Coach & Mentor Self care coaching
Developing a Coaching & Mentoring Culture in MTU
Developing a Coaching & Mentoring Culture in MTU
On 8th October 2021, MTU became the first university in Europe and one of the first globally to attain the International Standards for Mentoring and Coaching Programmes (ISMCP) Bronze Award. This prestigious award which was bestowed by the European Mentoring and Coaching Council (EMCC Global) following a 4-month evaluation process was in recognition of MTU’s Coaching and Mentoring Culture.
Developing a Coaching & Mentoring Culture in MTU
Developing a Coaching & Mentoring Culture in MTU
Developing a Coaching & Mentoring Culture in MTU
On 8th October 2021, MTU became the first university in Europe and one of the first globally to attain the International Standards for Mentoring and Coaching Programmes (ISMCP) Bronze Award. This prestigious award which was bestowed by the European Mentoring and Coaching Council (EMCC Global) following a 4-month evaluation process was in recognition of MTU’s Coaching and Mentoring Culture.
Developing a Coaching & Mentoring Culture in MTU
Using Coaching Approaches in Higher Education
Using Coaching Approaches in Higher Education
"The Academic Success Coaching team at MTU hosted a workshop on the value and applications of coaching approaches in Higher Education. Equally of interest to Academic and to Professional, Management and Support staff at MTU, the workshop provided an overview of the uniqueness of coaching approaches and how they can enrich teaching, supervision, and mentoring scenarios. We were joined by Dr Jill Andreanoff, a leading coaching scholar and practitioner, who shared her wealth of experience on the value of using a coaching approach in Higher Education settings. Dr Andreanoff facilitated a short interactive session exploring both mentoring and coaching, giving practical examples of how these approaches can be adopted."
Using Coaching Approaches in Higher Education
Using Coaching Approaches in Higher Education
Using Coaching Approaches in Higher Education
"The Academic Success Coaching team at MTU hosted a workshop on the value and applications of coaching approaches in Higher Education. Equally of interest to Academic and to Professional, Management and Support staff at MTU, the workshop provided an overview of the uniqueness of coaching approaches and how they can enrich teaching, supervision, and mentoring scenarios. We were joined by Dr Jill Andreanoff, a leading coaching scholar and practitioner, who shared her wealth of experience on the value of using a coaching approach in Higher Education settings. Dr Andreanoff facilitated a short interactive session exploring both mentoring and coaching, giving practical examples of how these approaches can be adopted."
Using Coaching Approaches in Higher Education
Coaching isn’t just for Athletes!
Coaching isn’t just for Athletes!
Are you curious about how coaching can be applied in the context of higher education? Have you heard about MTU Cork’s Coaching in Higher Education course? If so, then this is the seminar for you!! Since 2019, MTU Cork staff have been offered the opportunity to attend our European Coaching and Mentoring Council (EMCC) accredited Coaching in Higher Education course and potentially achieve individual EMCC Foundation Level Coaching Accreditation through this programme. To date, the above course has been run 6 times and has attracted over 90 staff from both academic and professional management support areas. The course runs over 5 weeks and typically takes place on Friday afternoons, it consists of 5 modules with each module requiring a weekly commitment of 2.5 hours, and planning is underway for the next iteration which will take place in semester 2. The goal of this session was to raise awareness of how coaching principles and skills can and are being used in MTU Cork and to gain some insights from the following colleagues who have already participated in the course: Gail Cotter Buckley, Tourism and Hospitality, MTU Cork Sarah Culhane, Accounting and Information Systems, MTU Cork Dr. Ciara Glasheen Artem, Orchestral Studies, MTU Cork Catherine O’Mahony, Tourism and Hospitality, MTU Cork Michelle Collins, Marketing and International Business, MTU Cork They spoke about their experience and shared: Why they decided to enrol in the course What they learnt from the experience How they are applying what they’ve learned to their teaching, learning, assessment and student engagement practice And, of course, participants also had the opportunity to pose a few questions of their own. .
Coaching isn’t just for Athletes!
How Good Conflict Can Develop Creative Learning Communities
How Good Conflict Can Develop Creative Learning Communities
The value of Learning Communities, especially those that work across disciplines, is that they facilitate a sharing of expertise, knowledge and experience. Accessing ‘the wisdom in the room’ is often cited as the purpose of sharing in such communities. The word ‘dialogue’ in its original Greek form represents a process where new wisdom and insight is reached between two people which could not have been reached by either party on their own. Such a process inevitably involves the reconciling, fusing or synthesis of two or more, often conflicting, ideas or viewpoints often in an effort to clarify and articulate a common goal for the group. This seminar explored the need, nature, cause and value of conflict in the synthesis of new ideas, knowledge and learning. Participants interrogated the effectiveness of one of the most popular tools for understanding and dealing with conflict i.e. the Thomas Kilmann Conflict Mode Instrument. In workshop format, participants explored their own preferred approach to conflict and used the Kilmann model to experiment with alternative approaches to conflict in order to promote meaningful dialogue in learning communities. Teaching and Learning Practice can be enhanced when people learn to better engage with colleagues, who have conflicting viewpoints, in a way that allows for all voices to be heard and that cultivates the positive restlessness which leads to new insights, consensus and action. On completion of this seminar participants had: Gained an understanding of the nature and importance of conflict in developing creative learning communities Became familiar with the Thomas Kilmann Conflict Mode Instrument Became more aware of their own preferred approach mode Had explored and practiced alternative conflict modes with peers
How Good Conflict Can Develop Creative Learning Communities
Developing Peer Mentoring Skills to enhance CPD in Teaching and Learning and better enable Learning Communities
Developing Peer Mentoring Skills to enhance CPD in Teaching and Learning and better enable Learning Communities
"Vygotsky’s (1978) theory of social constructivism highlighted the importance of the contribution of others to every individual’s learning. With the increasing use of ICT and the internet, learning communities can expand beyond geographical limitations leading to new and exciting educational dimensions and learning opportunities across schools, colleges, communities and cultures. The term ‘learning community’ has become increasingly common in education usage and can mean many different things, from bringing members of the local community in to the college to collaborative learning among students or lecturers. Colleges today are complex, interwoven, interactive environments where learning flourishes when there is a spirit of openness and transparency and where lecturers are more likely to adopt a collegial approach incorporating shared leadership and authority thereby facilitating the work of the students. In colleges that are learning communities, everyone is a learner, and everyone is a teacher. This seminar explored how a coaching skill set can be used to enable learning institutions to develop the skills of enquiry, collaboration, sharing of practice and critically evaluate beliefs about teaching and learning. The overall aim of the seminar was to enhance the quality of professional communication and dialogue one of the four domains underpinned by the National Professional Development framework’s values. The seminar employed a blended learning approach involving experiential learning techniques complimented by facilitated debriefs, group discussions and short presentations. The main objectives of this seminar were that participants would have: Deepened their understanding of the nature and benefits of peer coaching. Gained a heightened awareness of how coaching skills can be used to enhance individual and group learning. Gained insight into how a departmental wide peer mentoring model is evolving in CIT. Increased their knowledge and expertise in the use of coaching skills in their professional roles. Have practiced their coaching skills in challenging situations. Constructed an action plan to utilise the workshop content to improve their peer coaching skills so they can better support their peers and engage in purposeful conversations regarding professional development, development of learning communities and communities of practice."
Developing Peer Mentoring Skills to enhance CPD in Teaching and Learning and better enable Learning Communities
Peer Mentoring in Higher Education – a key to better staff induction
Peer Mentoring in Higher Education – a key to better staff induction
"Peer coaching is a staff development model which can be used to develop and try new strategies and determine what does and does not work by critically evaluating beliefs about teaching and learning. Peer coaching is built upon trusting relationships that develop between lecturers. The seminar outlined the nature of a coaching conversation and gave participants an opportunity to develop their listening, questioning and feedback skills. The seminar was designed to develop professional communication and dialogue one of the four domains underpinned by the National Professional Development framework’s values. Collegial coaching, technical coaching, challenge coaching and team coaching were examined and their use in third level explored. The four types of peer coaching are all very different, but they are built upon effective communication that is honest and open and based on an unbiased attitude and a willingness to help others grow professionally. This involves trust building. Effective peer coaches must be dedicated to working in a trusting relationship with a partner to continually improve his or her teaching skills. They must also be open to new ideas and willingly share classroom experiences with their partners. Effective communication means more than just teachers talking with each other. It involves: conversation skills listening skills nonverbal language giving constructive feedback developing trusting relationships The seminar/workshop employed a blended learning approach involving experiential learning techniques complimented by facilitated debriefs, group discussions and short presentations. Participants who attended this workshop: Deepened their understanding of the nature and benefits of peer coaching in enhancing CPD commitment and impact. Gained a heightened awareness of their capacity to listen with unconditional positive regard Increased their knowledge and expertise in the use of questioning to raise awareness Developed their skills in offering impactful feedback Constructed an action plan to utilise the workshop content to improve their own communication skills so they can better support their peers and engage in purposeful conversations regarding professional development, development of learning communities and communities of practice."
Peer Mentoring in Higher Education – a key to better staff induction
Exploring the Role of Peers in Enhancing Student Success
Exploring the Role of Peers in Enhancing Student Success
“Students learn a great deal by explaining their ideas to others and by participating in activities in which they can learn from their peers” (Boud, 2001). Peer Learning can significantly assist students in the transition into and throughout higher education and strongly motivates learning and enhances student success. This workshop explored the role of Peers in providing a holistic, value-added and enriched student experience. It provided answers to some of the following questions: What is the role of the Peer? How do you select Peers to be involved in structured support? What are the boundaries? What will be the benefits? This workshop was interactive and encouraged participants to consider different approaches to using Peers to support students."
Exploring the Role of Peers in Enhancing Student Success
Empowerment – Master a Mindset for Success
Empowerment – Master a Mindset for Success
"Empowerment is defined as the “the process of gaining freedom and power to do what you want or to control what happens to you”. Empowerment can help you: Feel good and laugh more frequently Recharge your batteries and find a new lease of life Achieve those goals that you may currently think are way too far out of reach Overcome challenges and see tasks through to conclusion For those who want more out of life, to achieve more, do more and be more - this workshop aimed to provide participants with the tools they need to change their mind-set and breakthrough to the next level – tools that, perhaps, could be shared with their students to help them achieve more too! This workshop provided a brief immersion into the power of the mind, and participants learned that the resources we need to move forward positively in life are already within us. Through fun activity and lots of laughter participants opened the door to transformation, instilling courage to dream and participants left with an incredible experience of their power to accomplish amazing results."
Empowerment – Master a Mindset for Success
How to Increase Resilience
How to Increase Resilience
"A common myth is that the way to deal with pressure is to work harder. We like to think that extending work hours and multitasking are ways to be more effective at work. The truth is, this thinking is flawed. Too much pressure or stress creates narrowed thinking and increases the likelihood of flawed reasoning. It also turns on the stress response in the body, releasing a tsunami of chemicals and hormones. Being able to increase your resilience is necessary in today’s uncertain and volatile workforce. This workshop was targeted at all staff, both academic and administrative, and, based on research from the Centre for Creative Leadership, and aimed to introduce participants to a variety of ways to improve resilience, such as: Reframing how we think about situations or experiences The importance of sleep and exercises to support a good night’s sleep Developing strategies to cope when our sleep is compromised Exploring the power of positivity The workshop included an introduction to some simple Tai Chi practices and hand mudras that are very effective ways of managing one’s stress and energy. "
How to Increase Resilience
Being a Better Coach & Mentor Series: The power of listening at a deeper level
Being a Better Coach & Mentor Series: The power of listening at a deeper level
"Explore what is meant by ‘deep listening’, where ‘people can think with rigour, imagination, courage and grace. This ¾ hr workshop briefly explores the coaching partnership that focuses on ‘deep listening’, where ‘people can think with rigor, imagination, courage and grace.’ (Kline, 2010). The content is based on Nancy Kline’s ‘Time to Think’ and ‘More Time to Think’ and discusses the 10 components for enabling a ‘thinking environment’ e.g., appreciation, encouragement, attention, feeling. This workshop is not just for coaches or mentors, but for anyone who functions within an environment that requires a deeper level of listening i.e., teachers, lecturers, team leaders, team members, support staff, parents etc. By the end of this workshop, participants will have a broader understanding of what it means to: 1. Be in the listening environment with authentic presence 2. Remain focused, observant, empathetic and responsive to the other party 3. Demonstrate curiosity during the listening and coaching process 4. Manage one’s emotions to stay present with the other party 5. Interrupt the other party because of certain assumptions 6. Harness the power of gratitude in a way that is useful and empowering for both parties 7. Use incisive questioning to enable deep thinking in other party. This workshop forms part of the Being a Better Coach and Mentor series and is eligible for Continued Professional Development credit contributing to a Coach/Mentor/Supervisor EMCC Global Individual Accreditation."
Being a Better Coach & Mentor Series: The power of listening at a deeper level
Coaching in Higher Education
Coaching in Higher Education
The TLU have consulted with the European Mentoring and Coaching Council (EMCC) to provide MTU staff with an opportunity to attend an accredited EMCC Foundation Level Course in Coaching and potentially achieve through this programme: - A Global European Quality Award (EQA) Foundation Certificate in Coaching - Their EMCC Individual Professional Coaching Accreditation (EIA) at Foundation level
Coaching in Higher Education
Being a Better Coach & Mentor - Resilience Coaching Part 2
Being a Better Coach & Mentor - Resilience Coaching Part 2
This ¾ hr workshop, part 2 of a 3 part series, explored resilience coaching. Resilience is not exclusively being able to ‘bounce back’ from adversity, but rather a set of tools, exercises, activities that build resilience in a person, enabling them not just to survive, but thrive through the small and big life events.This workshop was not just for coaches or mentors, but for anyone who functions within an environment that requires a deeper level of listening i.e., teachers, lecturers, team leaders, team members, support staff, parents etc.
Being a Better Coach & Mentor - Resilience Coaching Part 2
Being a Better Coach & Mentor - Resilience Coaching Part 1
Being a Better Coach & Mentor - Resilience Coaching Part 1
This ¾ hr workshop, part 1 of a 3 part series, explored resilience coaching. Resilience is not exclusively being able to ‘bounce back’ from adversity, but rather a set of tools, exercises, activities that build resilience in a person, enabling them not just to survive, but thrive through the small and big life events.This workshop was not just for coaches or mentors, but for anyone who functions within an environment that requires a deeper level of listening i.e., teachers, lecturers, team leaders, team members, support staff, parents etc.
Being a Better Coach & Mentor - Resilience Coaching Part 1
Being a better Coach & Mentor Series: Mindfulness in Coaching
Being a better Coach & Mentor Series: Mindfulness in Coaching
Research has shown that mindfulness can alter the physical structure of our brains and if practiced regularly can increase those parts of the brain that deal with attention and processing sensory input (Sara Lazar - Harvard Medical School). This ¾ hr workshop briefly explored some coaching and mentoring techniques using a mindful approach as well as the use of some specific mindfulness tools. This workshop was not just for coaches or mentors, but for anyone who functions within an environment that requires a deeper level of listening i.e., teachers, lecturers, team leaders, team members, support staff, parents etc.
Being a better Coach & Mentor Series: Mindfulness in Coaching
Being a better Coach & Mentor Series: Cross-cultural Coaching
Being a better Coach & Mentor Series: Cross-cultural Coaching
This ¾ hr workshop briefly explored some coaching and mentoring techniques for working across cultures. In this workshop, we looked largely at the work of Jenny Plaister-Ten and her exploration of the impact of cross-cultural coaching for coaches. We broadly explored the Kaleidoscope model as a tool to ‘enable the coach to take a systems perspective’ when coaching or mentoring across cultures. This workshop was not just for coaches or mentors, but for anyone who functions within an environment that requires a deeper level of listening i.e., teachers, lecturers, team leaders, team members, support staff, parents etc.
Being a better Coach & Mentor Series: Cross-cultural Coaching
Being a better Coach & Mentor Series: Integrating a wellbeing approach and student engagement
Being a better Coach & Mentor Series: Integrating a wellbeing approach and student engagement
'Integrating wellbeing and student engagement: A coaching approach' This ¾ hr talk briefly explores how the inclusion of wellbeing elements can positively contribute to student engagement.
Being a better Coach & Mentor Series: Integrating a wellbeing approach and student engagement
Being a Better Coach & Mentor Series: The power of listening at a deeper level
Being a Better Coach & Mentor Series: The power of listening at a deeper level
Explore what is meant by ‘deep listening’, where ‘people can think with rigour, imagination, courage and grace. This ¾ hr workshop briefly explores the coaching partnership that focuses on ‘deep listening’, where ‘people can think with rigor, imagination, courage and grace.’ (Kline, 2010). The content is based on Nancy Kline’s ‘Time to Think’ and ‘More Time to Think’ and discusses the 10 components for enabling a ‘thinking environment’ e.g., appreciation, encouragement, attention, feeling. This workshop is not just for coaches or mentors, but for anyone who functions within an environment that requires a deeper level of listening i.e., teachers, lecturers, team leaders, team members, support staff, parents etc. By the end of this workshop, participants will have a broader understanding of what it means to: 1. Be in the listening environment with authentic presence 2. Remain focused, observant, empathetic and responsive to the other party 3. Demonstrate curiosity during the listening and coaching process 4. Manage one’s emotions to stay present with the other party 5. Interrupt the other party because of certain assumptions 6. Harness the power of gratitude in a way that is useful and empowering for both parties 7. Use incisive questioning to enable deep thinking in other party. This workshop forms part of the Being a Better Coach and Mentor series and is eligible for Continued Professional Development credit contributing to a Coach/Mentor/Supervisor EMCC Global Individual Accreditation.
Being a Better Coach & Mentor Series: The power of listening at a deeper level
National Forum Seminar 2021-22: Coaching and coaching approaches in higher education settings
National Forum Seminar 2021-22: Coaching and coaching approaches in higher education settings
Presented by Prof Christian van Nieuwerburgh, Global Director of Growth Coaching International & Professor of Coaching and Positive Psychology Centre for Positive Psychology and Health, RCSI. This seminar provided participants with an opportunity to hear from a thought leader in the area of coaching in educational settings and to discuss coaching as it is can be applied in their own contexts. Through it, attendees gained insights into how coaching can contribute to student success through the structured development of learner agency and self-efficacy. Christian shares his experience of applying coaching in educational settings across a number of countries and will introduce a Global Framework for Coaching in Education, developed alongside colleagues Jim Knight and John Campbell. The model centres students’ success and wellbeing through a range of activities aligned to themes such as Student Experience, Educational Leaderships, Community Engagement and Professional Practice.
National Forum Seminar 2021-22: Coaching and coaching approaches in higher education settings