It’s Time to Stop Taking Sam Altman at His WordUnderstand AI for what it is, not what it might become.#Hype#Silicon Valley#Big Tech#AI#Data#Capitalism#Computation#Business#Finance#Money#Stories#MythIt’s Time to Stop Taking Sam Altman at His Word
The State of Chinese AISOTA research, chips, sanctions, and loopholes#China#AI#Hardware#Computation#Materials#Politics#Trade#Research#Science#Machine Learning#USAThe State of Chinese AI
Generative AI exists because of the transformerThe technology has resulted in a host of cutting-edge AI applications — but its real power lies beyond text generation#AI#History#Technology#Computation#MathsGenerative AI exists because of the transformer
A Camera, Not an EngineModern AI puts us firmly into an age of exploration of computational reality#AI#ComputationA Camera, Not an Engine