Singapore scientists seek power from darkness through shadow energy
Scientists in Singapore are hoping to perfect a new method of power generation driven largely by shadows, with the hope that it could one day help highly urbanised cities power themselves.
Solar energy breakthrough could reduce need for solar farms |
Scientists at Oxford University Physics Department have developed a revolutionary approach which could generate increasing amounts of solar electricity without the need for silicon-based solar
Analysis: Cutting the ‘green crap’ has added £22bn to UK energy bills since 2015 - Carbon Brief
UK's energy bills were £22bn higher over the past decade than they would have been if Conservative governments had not cut “green crap” climate policies.
US startup ditches towers for unique pyramid-mounted wind turbines
An innovative floating offshore wind turbine prototype was launched in New Bedford, Massachusetts. Instead of a single anchor tower, the approach uses a pyramid base that can also passively orient itself in the direction of the blowing wind.
This project cuts emissions by putting data centers inside wind turbines | CNN
WindCORES operates data centers inside wind turbines located in a wind park in western Germany, which the company says makes the centers almost carbon neutral.