Students are doubling as cheap labor for Taiwan’s semiconductor factoriesStudent-interns are paid for low-skill factory tasks and spend little time in the classroom.#Taiwan#Technology#Manufacturing#Hardware#Students#Labour#WorkStudents are doubling as cheap labor for Taiwan’s semiconductor factories
Filtered for recent computer exploitsPosted on Tuesday 16 Jan 2018. 638 words, 7 links. By Matt Webb.#Physics#ScienceFiltered for recent computer exploits
中国信通院余晓晖:《中国综合算力指数(2024年)》解读#China#Computation#Power#Technology#Battery#Rare Earth中国信通院余晓晖:《中国综合算力指数(2024年)》解读
The fastest-growing countries for software development, according to GitHubNew data shows a rising tide of coders in Bangladesh and Nigeria.#India#Nigeria#Software#Technology#Innovation#Singapore#BangladeshThe fastest-growing countries for software development, according to GitHub
Claimed superconductor LK-99 is an online sensation — but replication efforts fall shortSocial media is abuzz with chatter about the material, but some scientists are pushing back on the hype.#Science#Computation#Manufacturing#MaterialsClaimed superconductor LK-99 is an online sensation — but replication efforts fall short