A treasure trove of tech history goes online with the unveiling of the Nokia Design Archive
Aalto University launches the Nokia Design Archive, an online repository that charts the pioneering history of Finland’s legendary mobile phone manufacturer
“Decolonization” is a word we’re increasingly hearing at design events, often being used interchangeably with “diversity.” It’s important to emphasize that while the terms are linked, they shouldn’t be confused. Diversity is about bringing more people to the table. Decolonization is about changing t
Design Education Advisory Committee - DesignSingapore Council
The Design Education Advisory Committee (DEAC) calls for a ‘Future Design School’, where design thinking is part of everyday learning from primary school.
Conversation with Cameron Tonkinwise: Missions and Transition Design(ers)
This is a conversation between Professor Cameron Tonkinwise, and our Design & Futures Lead Oskar Stokholm Østergaard on design-driven missions, transition design, and the role of design and designers in radical societal change
Dan Hill is Director of the Melbourne School of Design at the University of Melbourne. He is a leader in Strategic Design, a mode of practice directed toward...