Design Thinking is Dead. Long Live Design Doing

Design Thinking is Dead. Long Live Design Doing

The big design freak-out: A generation of design leaders grapple with their future
The big design freak-out: A generation of design leaders grapple with their future
The first generation of corporate design leaders are transitioning out of their executive roles at companies like IBM, McKinsey, and others. What comes next?
The sources I’ve spoken with could only recall one company that filled an executive level chief design officer role in the second half of the year—PayPal, who brought on Rachel Kobetz from Expedia, in September of 2023.
Now there is more inspection and less trust. As leaders we need to learn how to be really awesome stewards with resources. We need to defend the investment in design with total clarity. That part is new.”
The big design freak-out: A generation of design leaders grapple with their future