ニュートン銃 / Newton Gun - 明和電機 - Maywa Denkiニュートン銃 Newton Gun 林檎の弾丸を落下させ、地球の中心を正確に撃つライフル。照準器型の水平器付き A gun capable of dropping an apple towards the exact […]#Science#Physics#Art#Humour#Interactiveニュートン銃 / Newton Gun - 明和電機 - Maywa Denki
Salad Dressing Landscape Architect | Salad Dressing | SingaporeSalad Dressing is an award winning landscape architecture studio founded in 2002 by Chang Huai Yan. The Singapore based practice is best known for works Singapore Pavilion Expo 2020 and Enabling Village#Design#Architecture#Regenerative#Asia#HumourSalad Dressing Landscape Architect | Salad Dressing | Singapore