A treasure trove of tech history goes online with the unveiling of the Nokia Design Archive
Aalto University launches the Nokia Design Archive, an online repository that charts the pioneering history of Finland’s legendary mobile phone manufacturer
“Decolonization” is a word we’re increasingly hearing at design events, often being used interchangeably with “diversity.” It’s important to emphasize that while the terms are linked, they shouldn’t be confused. Diversity is about bringing more people to the table. Decolonization is about changing t
Seeing Like a Simulation | Los Angeles Review of Books
Reviewing Chaim Gingold’s “Building SimCity,” Celine Nguyen finds similarities between tech billionaires’ attempts to build a utopian city in Solano, California, and being a godlike player in “SimCity.”
Explaining the Degrowth Movement. Is Degrowth Economics Possible?
A primer on degrowth as an alternative economic model to current late capitalism. Plus: unpacking terms like degrowth communism, ecological economics, ecosocialism, green growth, and post-growth.
One of the most striking things I’ve found while reading the early WIRED back catalog is how quaint the discussions of governmental surveillance were. The magazine directed limitless outrage at any attempt by the government to regulate, censor, or surveil online behavior.