China May Be Ready to Use Nuclear Fusion for Power by 2050
China aims to commercialize nuclear fusion technology for use in emissions-free power generation by 2050, according to the country’s state-owned atomic company.
Why these doctors started writing medical 'prescriptions' for solar power
Doctors in Boston got tired of writing letters to power companies asking them to help vulnerable patients. Then they realized the solar panels on the hospital roof might offer a solution.
Solar energy breakthrough could reduce need for solar farms |
Scientists at Oxford University Physics Department have developed a revolutionary approach which could generate increasing amounts of solar electricity without the need for silicon-based solar
This project cuts emissions by putting data centers inside wind turbines | CNN
WindCORES operates data centers inside wind turbines located in a wind park in western Germany, which the company says makes the centers almost carbon neutral.
Degrowth for Engineering and Engineering for Degrowth
The steady-state/degrowth movement opens the possibility of re-defining “needs” and reorienting engineers to achieving equitable prosperity on our one shared planet.