These eager beavers saved the Czech government $1.2 million
After plans stalled for a new dam in the Czech Republic, eight beavers saved the day seemingly overnight. “At this point, nothing that beavers do surprises me.”
Agroecology offers blueprint for resilient farming in northern Ghana
Farmers in Ghana’s Upper East region traditionally decided when to plant and harvest their crops in rhythm with regular rainfall cycles. But the rains now come at increasingly odd times, farmland is turning into desert, and farmers have been forced to endure temperatures high enough to melt tarmac. Amid these impacts, agroforestry is offering a […]
MBARI researchers discover remarkable new swimming sea slug in the deep sea
MBARI researchers have discovered a remarkable new species of sea slug that lives in the deep sea. Bathydevius caudactylus swims through the ocean’s midnight...
Mexico City and millions of its residents could run out of water in weeks
Mexico City gets about a quarter of its water from a system that is running dry. Some say it could be unable to provide water by June 26, known as “Day Zero” in the metropolitan area of 22 million.
As Use of A.I. Soars, So Does the Energy and Water It Requires
Generative artificial intelligence uses massive amounts of energy for computation and data storage and millions of gallons of water to cool the equipment at data centers. Now, legislators and regulators — in the U.S. and the EU — are starting to demand accountability.
One of Europe’s Hottest Cities Harnesses a 1,000-Year-Old Cooling Technique
Cities are the first line of defense in humanity’s battle against deadly heat. Bloomberg Green’s Hot Cities series looks at changes some of the world’s hottest cities are making to protect their people from extreme temperatures.
Arizona restricts construction around Phoenix as water supply wanes
Arizona will not approve new housing construction on the fast-growing edges of its largest city that rely on groundwater thanks to years of overuse and a multi-decade drought worsened by the climate crisis