Radioactive rhino horns: The project aimed at stopping poaching
A conservationist working with the rhinos has called it 'the best idea' as border control will be able to detect the radioactive horns and they'll no longer be able to be used in traditional medicines.
Using machine learning to assess the livelihood impact of electricity access - Nature
Advancements in satellite imagery and machine learning can be used to infer the causal impact of electricity access on livelihoods, providing a low-cost, generalizable approach to evaluating public policy in data-spare environments.
TWB Chatbots Everyone deserves the information they need and want, when they want it, in their own language. Multilingual chatbot technology represents an innovative way to accomplish this vision. A chatbot is a computer program that simulates human conversations on messaging apps and devices. They are programmed to respond in realtime to users’ questions about […]
Facebook uses big data to aid humanitarian efforts in Africa
Facebook artificial intelligence (AI) researchers have created the world's most detailed population density maps of Africa to help humanitarian relief efforts...