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Fiverr wants freelancers to create AI models
Fiverr is building AI into its platform.
Neri Oxman unveils conceptual skyscraper AI-optimised for planting
New York design studio Oxman has devised a system called "ecological programming" to optimise green architecture, demonstrated through a conceptual skyscraper with multiple planted platforms.
Lionsgate signs deal to train AI model on its movies and shows
Lionsgate seems to be going all in on generative AI.
Software Released to Make Your Original Art Poison AI Models That Scrape It
The tool, Nightshade, introduces subtle alterations into an image to confuse AI models and "poison" their training data.
Adobe created a symbol to encourage tagging AI-generated content
The icon will represent AI-generated content.
Federal judge rules that AI art can't be copyrighted
Stop trying to make AI copyrights happen. It is not going to happen.
The Carbon Emissions of Writing and Illustrating Are Lower for AI than for Humans
As AI systems proliferate, their greenhouse gas emissions are an increasingly important concern for human societies. In this article, we present a comparative a
Google And Universal Music Group Negotiating AI-Generated Music Tool, Report Says
Users would be able to create deepfakes legitimately, sources told the Financial Times.