Home - Nikita Khandwala
Zukünfte gestalten
Website of the book »Designing Futures – Speculation, Critique, Innovation. A guide to exploring, visualizing and negotiating future scenarios.« by Eileen Mandir and Benedikt Groß.
Biocreative Index – Directory
A directory of people working at the intersection of biology and creative disciplines.
In our element: Why we turned our strategy into a periodic table (Yes, really) | Regen Melbourne
There is no shortage of models for change in the world, so this year we’ve been reviewing how this plurality of approaches can coalesce into a coherent living strategy for Regen Melbourne’s work. Kaj and Nicole explain why we’ve chosen – of all things – a periodic table to help us make sense of our
Nature-based Solutions - a 2022 scan
The promise of Nature-based Solutions are to address dual crises of climate change and biodiversity loss, whilst also supporting human health and wellbeing.
Future design final v11
Matriarchal Design Futures
Matriarchal Design Futures is a non-capitalistic, non-hierarchical pedagogical framework centering the practices and values of caregiving and nurturing, which holds for all identities: for caregivers, mothers, those who are not mothers, women, men, and nonbinary alike.
Whole Earth Index
Here lies a nearly-complete archive of Whole Earth publications, a series of journals and magazines descended from the Whole Earth Catalog, published by Stewart Brand and the POINT Foundation between 1970 and 2002.
Stories to save the world