Whatcom County closes all beaches to recreational shellfish harvesting | 790 KGMI
WACD Reading List
Races to watch in the Washington Legislature this year | Crosscut
Okanogan Co. Wildfire Reported to be More Than 100 Acres
These WA snakes are poisonous; what to do if you are bitten | The Olympian
PNW hatcheries aren't saving salmon, investigation finds | Crosscut
Washington Teachers Receive 2022 Presidential Award for Environmental Educators | US EPA
Washington aims to eradicate killer crabs | Washington | thecentersquare.com
Washington Democrats make dam removal a platform plank | Washington | thecentersquare.com
How to Write Concisely
'New definition of progress': Nez Perce Tribe takes over management of national salmon hatchery | The Spokesman-Review
USDA Receives Overwhelming Interest for Partnerships for Climate-Smart Commodities Opportunity | NRCS
The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) announced today that the second funding pool through the Partnerships for Climate-Smart Commodities opportunity received over 600 applications from over 400 groups. While USDA is in the process of calculating the total requested amount for the second funding pool, the overall interest in the opportunity already exceeds more than $18 billion.
CDC COVID Data Tracker: County View
This site provides an integrated, county view of key data for monitoring the COVID-19 pandemic in the United States.
IRS increases mileage rate for remainder of 2022 | Internal Revenue Service
The Internal Revenue Service today announced an increase in the optional standard mileage rate for the final 6 months of 2022.
Degraded soil is one of growers' most threatening disasters | AGDAILY
Growing sprawl in WA woods comes with high wildfire risk | Crosscut
While Spring Rains Help Most Of Washington, Parts Still Under Emergency Drought - Northwest Public Broadcasting
Neighbors near Portland’s Forest Park organize to reduce wildfire danger - OPB
Diversity in the Workplace | All You Need to Know in 2022
WSDA Meat & Poultry Assistance Program
works to strengthen regional meat supply chains connecting small farms & ranches, local meat processors, and Washington consumers
What the largest project of its kind on Lower Columbia means for salmon, waterfowl - Columbia Insight
It’s the largest habitat restoration project ever completed on the Lower Columbia River.
Expect a higher-than-average wildfire season, experts predict – Washington Forest Protection Association
WSDA Preparing For Another Year Fighting Spartina – PNW AG Network
This year’s treatment for Spartina starts Wednesday June 1st, and runs through November.
To Get Results, the Best Leaders Both Push and Pull Their Teams
Cliff Mass Weather Blog: Wildfire Forecast for the Summer
the wet/cool spring and other factors make a major wildfire season in Washington State highly unlikely
Grazing accused of worsening climate change impacts on Oregon spotted frogs | Livestock | capitalpress.com
EUGENE, Ore. — A grazing plan is under attack for allegedly failing to adequately examine climate change effects on Oregon spotted frogs
The US has spent more than $2B on a plan to save salmon. The fish are vanishing anyway. - OPB
7 Guiding Principles for a JDEI Policy That Isn’t Just Hot Air. Plus, a Free Sample Policy! - Blue Avocado
When Your Efforts to Be Inclusive Misfire
Now More Than Ever We Need Local Government To Show the Way - PA TIMES Online | PA TIMES Online
The ideal venue for reigniting American democracy, and perhaps our last best hope, is local government.
More wildfires predicted in central, eastern Washington | king5.com