The Pandemic Is Changing Employee Benefits
WACD Reading List
Washington State FSA Update - USDA Announces Funding Available to Organizations to Assist Socially Disadvantaged Farmers and Ranchers under Pandemic Assistance for Producers Initiative
Public Lands Commissioner Hilary Franz Launches Wildfire Ready Program in Chelan County Monday – NewsRadio 560 KPQ
Washington Public Lands Commissioner Hilary Franz was in Wenatchee Monday morning to announce the launch of the Wildfire Ready program.
After decades of uncertainty, Nooksack Tribe and Lummi Nation aim to finalize water rights in Whatcom County | The Western Front
The Lummi Nation and Nooksack Tribe have partnered to advocate for water rights resolution in the Nooksack River basin.
Employment Opportunity: Senior Director of Stewardship Programs : King Conservation District
King Conservation District is seeking a qualified candidate to serve as Senior Director of Stewardship Programs.
What is Social engineering? How Does it work? - CSN
Social Engineering is a technique that is performed by cybercriminals who indulge in exploiting human weaknesses. The act of Social Engineering involves various techniques all of which involve the manipulation of human psychology.
Navigating Conflict in These Uncertain Times - PA TIMES Online | PA TIMES Online
With leadership theorists offering encyclopedic volumes of advice, successful leadership may appear to be more of a hope—like finding the right book in the Library of Congress—than a goal one can actualize.
Elusive as successful leadership practice may be, it needn’t be a vain hope…even in today’s uncertain times.
Soil moisture drives year-to-year change in land carbon uptake
Earth's land ecosystems absorb a large portion of all the carbon dioxide emissions produced by human activities, helping to slow global warming. On average for a given year, plants and soil take up, or ...
NASA just released the first direct evidence that humans are causing climate change
It was clear humans were warming the planet for some time -- now we have official confirmation.
The struggle to share a shrinking resource — Northwest salmon | The Seattle Times
You see this in a new joint riparian habitat initiative that will provide a uniform, science-based management approach to salmon recovery. We need greater protection for the stream side vegetation that lowers water temperatures, filters pollutants and reduces sediment that smothers salmon eggs.
USDA Celebrates 5 Million Acres Enrolled in Conservation Easements | NRCS
The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) and private landowners have partnered to protect more than 5 million acres of wetlands, grasslands, and prime farmland — an area the size of New Jersey. Since October, USDA’s Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) has enrolled 110,000 acres in new conservation easements, bringing USDA to this important conservation milestone.
Cliff Mass Weather Blog: A Cold Spring That Won't Go Away
This winter has been dominated by La Nina. a period of below-normal sea surface temperatures in the tropical Pacific. The implications of La Nina have been profound for the West Coast, with above-normal snowpack in the Northwest and dry conditions over the southwest U.S.
Biden proposes $100 billion to bring broadband to all Americans | Successful Farming
“Broadband is the new electricity,” said the White House. “It is necessary for Americans to do their jobs, to participate equally in school learning, health care, and to stay connected. Yet, by one definition, more than 30 million Americans live in areas where there is no broadband infrastructure that provides minimally acceptable speeds. Americans in rural areas and on tribal lands particularly lack adequate access.”
Zero flu deaths reported in Washington for first time | KOMO
OLYMPIA, Wash. -- It appears the extensive precautions Washington residents have taken to fight the COVID-19 pandemic have worked to prevent other illnesses from spreading as well, including the flu.
Survey shows rural-urban divide in Oregon over remote working | Rural Life |
Residents of rural areas think working from home is temporary and as soon as the threat of the pandemic ends, everyone will return to the office.
Rural broadband is on Biden’s infrastructure list | Successful Farming
Assistance Available For Central Washington Producers Impacted By Labor Day Fire – PNW AG Network
Producers in southcentral Washington impacted by a wildfire Labor Day weekend near Kahlotus may receive financial assistance from the FSA. The department is implementing the Emergency Conservation Program (ECP) due to damage caused by this wildfire to livestock fence and livestock water troughs. The Monday September 7th fire was exacerbated by high winds and burned a large portion of Washington’s Franklin County.
Once Imperiled, America's Bald Eagle Populations Are Soaring | Northwest Public Broadcasting
The number of bald eagles in the lower 48 U.S. states — a population once on the brink of extinction — has quadrupled in the last dozen years to more than 316,000, federal wildlife officials say, despite steep declines in other American bird populations.
Coronavirus - Bloomberg
USDA Rolls Out Pandemic Assistance – PNW AG Network
The USDA has announced their multi-billion-dollar Pandemic Assistance for Producers, which aims to fill in gaps from CFAP. The new effort puts at least $6 billion into new programs to reach a broader set of producers than earlier efforts, including small and minority, specialty crop and organic producers.
False Self-True Self: The Perils of Living a Lie to Fit In | Psychology Today
This may mean we should all ask ourselves the question: Am I living a lie to fit in?
'Good chance were looking at the beginning of a fourth wave,' King County health official says
Now is not the time to let up.
That's the message from a King County health official, who warned Friday about increasing cases and hospitalizations in the county, coupled with the spread of variants of concern and continued limited vaccine supply.
Spokane-Pend Oreille County WA FSA Updates
Multiple Counties Eligible for Emergency Loans Following Presidential Disaster Declaration
Hello? Will the state give corporations control of its water? – Methow Valley News
If you lived in Twisp after the town lost its water rights, irrigated spawning salmon in your farm fields or waited in vain for water to appear at the empty end of the Methow Valley Irrigation District’s ditch, you understand water trouble.
30+ Companies, Boards, NGOs Join Farmers, Ranchers to Endorse a Shared Vision for Sustainable Food Systems – U.S. Farmers and Ranchers In Action
St. Louis, March 23, 2021 – U.S. Farmers & Ranchers in Action (USFRA) is celebrating National Ag Day by announcing the growing list of companies, organizations and individuals who have joined the Decade of Ag, the first sector-wide movement to align to a shared vision for the next decade centered around investing in the next generation of agricultural systems, restoring our environment, regenerating natural resources and in doing so, strengthening the social and economic fabric of America.
"The most significant piece of climate legislation the state has ever considered" - Washington State Wire
SB 5126 passed out of the Senate Ways and Means Committee last night, bringing one of the legislature’s most ambitious pieces of climate legislation ever considered one step closer to enactment.
The bill creates a system referred to as “cap and invest” where funds generated from auctioning the rights or licenses to create carbon emissions will be invested into capital infrastructure. In the case of the current bill, this would equal between $272m and $551m per year dedicated to transportation infrastructure starting in FY 2023.
Cultural intelligence and competing with robots
But just having a brain isn’t enough. It’s using the power of this small, mighty organ to do what technology can’t do nearly as well: adapt and create.
Phish Leads to Breach at Calif. State Controller — Krebs on Security
A phishing attack last week gave attackers access to email and files at the California State Controller’s Office (SCO), an agency responsible for handling more than $100 billion in public funds each year...“This isn’t even the full extent of the breach,” said the California state employee, who spoke on condition of anonymity.
Krebs on Security
Ne’er-do-wells leaked personal data — including phone numbers — for some 553 million Facebook users this week. Facebook says the data was collected before 2020 when it changed things to prevent such information from being scraped from profiles.
The HaveIBeenPwned project, which collects and analyzes hundreds of database dumps containing information about billions of leaked accounts, has incorporated the data into his service.
How Does Soil Health Impact Farm Management Decisions? – PNW AG Network
“Soil Health is, simply put, the ability to produce marketable outputs with minimal inputs. It’s very important for people to understand that multi-dimensional property is dynamic, it changes over time and it’s dependent on environmental conditions like temperature, moisture and even the microorganisms and worms and all other life that’s present there.”