WACD Reading List

State House OK’s long-term plan to prevent and fight wildfires – Washington State House Democrats
State House OK’s long-term plan to prevent and fight wildfires – Washington State House Democrats
In the 1990s, Washington lost 86,000 acres a year to wildfires. By 2015 the average had climbed to nearly a half million acres a year. Last year? 812,000 acres of forests and grassland were destroyed by wildfires, not to mention homes, businesses, and lives.
State House OK’s long-term plan to prevent and fight wildfires – Washington State House Democrats
Wildfire And Forest Health Bill Receives Hearing In Washington Legislature | Spokane Public Radio
Wildfire And Forest Health Bill Receives Hearing In Washington Legislature | Spokane Public Radio
Last fall’s wildfires were invoked Friday at a hearing for a new forest health bill in the Washington legislature. The bill is proposed at the request of Lands Commissioner Hilary Franz, who reminded members of a House committee that 2020 was the worst wildfire season in years in Washington.
Wildfire And Forest Health Bill Receives Hearing In Washington Legislature | Spokane Public Radio