WACD Reading List

USDA Celebrates 5 Million Acres Enrolled in Conservation Easements | NRCS
USDA Celebrates 5 Million Acres Enrolled in Conservation Easements | NRCS
The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) and private landowners have partnered to protect more than 5 million acres of wetlands, grasslands, and prime farmland — an area the size of New Jersey. Since October, USDA’s Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) has enrolled 110,000 acres in new conservation easements, bringing USDA to this important conservation milestone.
USDA Celebrates 5 Million Acres Enrolled in Conservation Easements | NRCS
Idaho Ag Looking At Address Land Lost To Urban Sprawl – PNW AG Network
Idaho Ag Looking At Address Land Lost To Urban Sprawl – PNW AG Network
It may be a slow process, but one that has many in the farming community concerned; the loss of farmland due to urban sprawl. According to the American Farmland Trust, between 2001-2016 eleven million acres of farmland was removed from production nationwide. That comes out to roughly 2,000 acres per day.
Idaho Ag Looking At Address Land Lost To Urban Sprawl – PNW AG Network