Creating the Stormwater Heatmap: An Open-Source Tool to Track Pollution — The Nature Conservancy in Washington
NACD Applauds Increased Conservation Investments in Omnibus Bill - NACD
NACD is pleased to see the omnibus bill does not include any reductions to critical Farm Bill conservation programs.
The Link Among Wellness, Fairness, and Worthiness | Psychology Today
Worthiness consists of feeling valued and adding value. It mediates the relationship between wellness and fairness.
5 Key Trends Leaders Need to Understand to Get Hybrid Right
nearly every leader today has the same question: Is the new emphasis on flexibility and well-being a temporary pendulum swing, or the beginning of our new normal?
To Revive a River, Restore Its Hidden Gut - Scientific American
Removing Condit Dam spurred hopes, but it also begged questions the White Salmon River is slowly answering - OPB
Fisheries biologists with the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife float the lower section of the White Salmon River each fall to count returning salmon.
New data could help scientists worldwide studying fish passage through dams - OPB
Researchers at Pacific Northwest National Laboratory tag young chinook salmon with tags slightly bigger than a grain of rice.
Dent: 2022 Legislative Session Wasn’t Very Kind To Washington Ag – PNW AG Network
sometimes we measure our success not in what everybody sees, but in what they don’t see
Stop Wasting People’s Time with Meetings
Atmospheric river to bring several inches of rain to Wash.
Meteorologists with the National Weather Service in Seattle expect this atmospheric river to be less severe than the ones that resulted in widespread flooding and landslides late last year but say you should still expect to get wet.
Seaweed Farming Has Vast Potential (But Good Luck Getting a Permit) | The Pew Charitable Trusts
Joth Davis shows off his crop of sugar kelp at Blue Dot Sea Farms in Washington’s Hood Canal.
La Nina hangs on, expected to stick through summer | Water |
The reigning La Nina has more staying power than expected and likely will stay through the spring and into the summer...While a La Nina can worsen drought in the southern tier of the U.S., it's linked to cool and wet weather in the Northwest.
NAWG elects new officers with Washington wheat grower as president | WAWG
Nicole Berg was elected as the National Association of Wheat Growers (NAWG) president
What passed? What died? Washington’s 2022 legislative session wrap up | KNKX Public Radio
Bill Action | Governor Jay Inslee
See the bills that have been signed by the Governor
Bearing a Grudge: Why Hostility Gets Frozen in Place | Psychology Today
Grudges may be petty, but their costs can be immense.
3 Practices That Set Resilient Teams Apart
This dataset has helped us to codify three simple-to-execute, high-return practices that teams can adopt to reboot their mindset, ignite energy, and boost performance.
Redefining Your Purpose in the Wake of the Pandemic
...we all just experienced a major life transition at the same time during the Covid-19 pandemic.
How Much Do I Care? | PA TIMES Online
Even once an employee is onboarded, we must remain vigilant as other companies will continue to entice the top talent to join their team.
Biden-Harris Administration Issues Call for Wildfire Commission Member Applications | USDA
WASHINGTON, March 10, 2022 – The Departments of Agriculture, the Interior and Homeland Security through the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) are now accepting applications for members to the Wildland Fire Mitigation and Management Commission.
The Morning Wire: It's budget-deal day as Legislature's adjournment nears - Washington State Wire
Today’s the day the big budget compromises get rolled out in the Legislature.
USDA Report Shows a Decade of Conservation Trends | NRCS
WASHINGTON, March 10, 2022 — A new U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) report shows use of no-till, crop rotations, more efficient irrigation methods and advanced technologies have climbed in recent years.
Ask Rita: When Do I Initiate the ADA Interactive Process with a (Possibly) Disabled Employee? - Blue Avocado
Groups File Complaint with FTC Over Right to Repair – PNW AG Network
WAWG signs letter to governor, legislature on salmon recovery | WAWG
Our farmers have implemented conservation on their lands for decades and generations with help and in partnership with local conservation districtsv...
USDA Announces $35 Million Funding Opportunity to Support Underserved and Veteran Farmers and Ranchers | USDA
The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) today announced approximately $35 million in available funding to community-based and nonprofit organizations, institutions of higher education, and tribal entities that help historically underserved and veteran farmers and ranchers own and operate successful farms.
New Federal Advisory Committee for Urban Agriculture to Meet March 23-24 | NRCS
Spotting Emotional Immaturity in High-Conflict Personalities | Psychology Today
Knowing the signs of emotional immaturity may help you navigate relationships.
Legislators Work Overnight to Push State Budget Related Bills Through – NewsRadio 560 KPQ
Climate experts predict ‘tough times’ ahead as drought conditions continue - OPB
Central and Southern Oregon are bearing the brunt of an extensive drought that could bring early wildfire and more water shortages this summer.