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New grant available to Washington state small meat processors | Livestock |
New grant available to Washington state small meat processors | Livestock |
...the application period is now open for the program, called the WSDA Local Meat Processing Capacity Grants. The deadline to apply for a small project grant, with funding available up to $150,000, is Feb. 28, while the deadline for large project grants, eligible for funding between $150,000 to $750,000, is March 7.
New grant available to Washington state small meat processors | Livestock |
Do you trust your new team member?
Do you trust your new team member?
But two years in, many teams have new members, and some are being completely reformed. Do you trust the new people as much as you did the folks you already knew?
Do you trust your new team member?
How can Spokane ensure its urban forests benefit from wildfire lessons in recent years? | Local News | Spokane | The Pacific Northwest Inlander | News, Politics, Music, Calendar, Events in Spokane, Coeur d'Alene and the Inland Northwest
How can Spokane ensure its urban forests benefit from wildfire lessons in recent years? | Local News | Spokane | The Pacific Northwest Inlander | News, Politics, Music, Calendar, Events in Spokane, Coeur d'Alene and the Inland Northwest
How can Spokane ensure its urban forests benefit from wildfire lessons in recent years? | Local News | Spokane | The Pacific Northwest Inlander | News, Politics, Music, Calendar, Events in Spokane, Coeur d'Alene and the Inland Northwest
Communicating Authentically in a Virtual World
Communicating Authentically in a Virtual World
The medium can be as important as the message. As more and more of workplace interactions shift virtual, it is becoming ever more important to be mindful of the communication choices we make — and their possible unintended consequences.
Communicating Authentically in a Virtual World
Can’t Raise Cash Through No VAULT of Your Own? - Blue Avocado
Can’t Raise Cash Through No VAULT of Your Own? - Blue Avocado
So how does an outsider director cope with the need for cash? There are two types of capital structure: capital sources that are based on results and capital sources that are based in time-consuming relationships.
Can’t Raise Cash Through No VAULT of Your Own? - Blue Avocado
The Underestimated Pain of Isolation | Psychology Today
The Underestimated Pain of Isolation | Psychology Today
Being the highly adaptable creatures we are, somehow we have managed to find ways to cope with this awful plague — at least, those of us who have not died or been impaired for life.
The Underestimated Pain of Isolation | Psychology Today