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Lewis Conservation District and Weyerhaeuser Company team up to remove fish passage barrier on West Fork Chehalis River | Washington Department of Fish & Wildlife
Lewis Conservation District and Weyerhaeuser Company team up to remove fish passage barrier on West Fork Chehalis River | Washington Department of Fish & Wildlife
CHEHALIS – Starting in summer 2021, construction will begin to remove a fish passage barrier on the West Fork Chehalis River. In partnership with Weyerhaeuser Company, Lewis Conservation District is sponsoring this river restoration project to open seven miles of previously isolated stream habitat for salmon and steelhead.
Lewis Conservation District and Weyerhaeuser Company team up to remove fish passage barrier on West Fork Chehalis River | Washington Department of Fish & Wildlife
The struggle to share a shrinking resource — Northwest salmon | The Seattle Times
The struggle to share a shrinking resource — Northwest salmon | The Seattle Times
You see this in a new joint riparian habitat initiative that will provide a uniform, science-based management approach to salmon recovery. We need greater protection for the stream side vegetation that lowers water temperatures, filters pollutants and reduces sediment that smothers salmon eggs.
The struggle to share a shrinking resource — Northwest salmon | The Seattle Times
Study: Chinook Salmon Are Key To Northwest Orca Population All Year | Northwest Public Broadcasting
Study: Chinook Salmon Are Key To Northwest Orca Population All Year | Northwest Public Broadcasting
But a new paper from Hanson and others at the NOAA Fisheries Northwest Fisheries Science Center provides the first real look at what the whales eat the rest of the year, when they cruise the outer Pacific Coast — data that reaffirms the central importance of Chinook to the whales and the importance of recovering Chinook populations to save the beloved mammals.
Study: Chinook Salmon Are Key To Northwest Orca Population All Year | Northwest Public Broadcasting
Idaho congressman unveils plan to breach Snake River dams, save salmon - OPB
Idaho congressman unveils plan to breach Snake River dams, save salmon - OPB
The conversation comes at a key time for the fish. Eight dams along the Snake and Columbia rivers hinder their migration to the Pacific and half of the young salmon die on the trip. Idaho salmon runs have dwindled from the millions of wild fish to only a few thousand some years.
Idaho congressman unveils plan to breach Snake River dams, save salmon - OPB
Idaho Congressman Proposes $33.5 Billion Plan For Breaching Snake River Dams In Washington | Northwest Public Broadcasting
Idaho Congressman Proposes $33.5 Billion Plan For Breaching Snake River Dams In Washington | Northwest Public Broadcasting
Simpson says saving Snake River salmon runs isn’t possible without removing the federally-managed dams. But he says it’s not just dams versus salmon. He’s laying out a plan that tries to find solutions for all of the decades-old sticking points.
Idaho Congressman Proposes $33.5 Billion Plan For Breaching Snake River Dams In Washington | Northwest Public Broadcasting