Omicron Update: Dec 13 - by Katelyn Jetelina
Stop Telling Managers to Be Empathetic. Try This Instead. | Psychology Today
Compassion is the power tool for energizing leaders and teams.
USDA Funds Innovative Approaches and Technologies to Improve Conservation on Private Lands | NRCS
The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) is awarding $15 million to conservation partners across the country for 19 new projects under the Conservation Innovation Grants (CIG) program.
La Nina arrives, raising hopes for snowpack build-up | Water |
La Nina has apparently arrived in the Northwest, signaling a shift to cooler weather and more promising snowpacks, Washington State Climatologist Nick Bond said Thursday.
November was wet but warm, causing flooding in northwest Washington, but little snow in the Cascade Range. Bond said Thursday he anticipates weather patterns will change, dropping snow in the mountains without raising the risk of floods.
East Fork rehab plan OKed by EPA | The Reflector
She gave the example of Clark Conservation District, which over the duration of the partnership was able to rebuild its staffing. The district, one of the primary organizations that works with private landowners in the county, has brought in more than $2.8 million for environmental work.
From dust to dust — to compost in Clark County - The Columbian
The 700-acre nonprofit is funded through multiple grants, including the Clark Conservation District, Clark Public Utilities, CPU, the Natural Resources Conservation Service and the Farm Services Agency
As West withers corporations consolidate land and water rights - Columbia Insight
With farms, ranches and rural communities facing historic drought, a worrying trend leads to a critical question: Who owns the water?
Farmers Market Coalition launches new guide | Morning Ag Clips
The national Farmers Market Coalition (FMC) is excited to announce the launch of the Farm Direct Nutrition Incentives Guide Site (, a comprehensive library that contains hundreds of resources for operators running Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program/Electronic Benefits Transfer and nutrition incentives...
Washington Snowpack Well Off Seasonal Norms – PNW AG Network
Statistics confirm what your eyes have already told you as you look at the higher elevations across Washington. The snowpack across the Evergreen State is almost non-existent for this time of year.
2021 Tri-State Grain Growers Convention wraps up | WAWG
The wheat organizations of Idaho, Oregon and Washington want to thank everybody who made the 2021 Tri-State Grain Growers Convention possible
$44.6 million in grants approved for WA broadband projects - Washington State Wire
At their December 3 meeting, the Washington State Public Works Board approved over $44.6 million in conditional grants for 15 broadband construction projects in unserved and underserved communities across the state.
Draft revisions to policy 1025 - Washington State Department of Ecology
Washington Ecology: Cows need water right to sip from a creek | Livestock |
Washington Department of Ecology plans to adopt a policy stating that livestock owners whose animals drink from a creek need a water right.
Lummi Nation declares Whatcom green crab invasion a disaster | The Olympian
Omicron poses very high global risk, world must prepare -WHO By Reuters
Omicron poses very high global risk, world must prepare -WHO
Wary, weary world slams doors shut, fearing omicron variant | AP News
BRUSSELS (AP) — Countries around the world slammed their doors shut again to try to keep the new omicron variant at bay Monday, even as more cases of the mutant coronavirus emerged and scientists raced to figure out just how dangerous it might be.
USDA Begins Accepting Applications for $1.15 Billion in Loans and Grants to Help People Living in Rural Communities Get Access to High-Speed Internet | USDA
U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) Secretary Tom Vilsack today announced the Department has begun accepting applications for up to $1.15 billion in loans and grants to help people in rural areas get access to high-speed internet.
USDA Announces American Rescue Plan Technical Assistance Partnerships Focused on Underserved Producers | USDA
USDA is also standing up an Equity Commission to advise the Secretary of Agriculture by identifying USDA programs, policies, systems, structures, and practices that contribute to barriers to inclusion or access, systemic discrimination, or exacerbate or perpetuate racial, economic, health and social disparities.
Doctors say don't let your guard down as covid cases trend upward | KOMO
EPA ditches Navigable Waters Protection Rule | Agriculture |
The Biden administraton on Thursday announced a proposed rule that would reinstate the pre-2015 definition of “waters of the United States” under the Clean Water Act, flushing President Trump’s Navigable Waters Protection Rule down the drain.
Salmon to Swim Free as Infrastructure Money Flows - Route Fifty
SEATTLE — The $1.2 trillion federal infrastructure package signed into law this month creates a new billion-dollar program designed to open thousands of miles of congested transportation corridors.
Those choked thoroughfares aren’t roads and bridges, however. They are creeks and streams used by migrating salmon when they return from the ocean to reach their spawning grounds.
How to prevent ACH and bank fraud - Office of the Washington State Auditor
Counties meet stewardship requirements | News |
All counties in Washington’s voluntary stewardship program, including Okanogan and Ferry counties, are successfully using incentive-based and farm-friendly strategies to comply with state growth management requirements, according to a first-round of evaluations.
Fall rains can’t undo pains of drought in Oregon and Washington - OPB
Withered crops and puny livestock; dead fish and swarming insects; laid-off workers, shriveling economies, and rural homes stranded without running water — these are just some of the calamities unleashed by a historic drought affecting all of Oregon and parts of Washington.
Tribes Ask For More Support For Salmon Reintroduction To The Upper Columbia - Northwest Public Broadcasting
Burnout: Firefighter trauma grows in the American West
This family farm is a model for agrivoltaic farming | The Optimist Daily
Byron Kominek’s family farm near Boulder, Colorado was struggling to turn a profit when he began exploring solar generation as a strategy to diversify the farm’s income.
Latinos With Darker Skin Face More Discrimination Than Those With Lighter Skin - Route Fifty
Nearly 60% of Latinos surveyed say having a lighter skin color helps Hispanics get ahead in work and in life, and about half say discrimination based on race or skin color is a “very big problem,” a Pew report shows.
A Simple Way to Feel More Connected to Others | Psychology Today
Mounting evidence shows that exposure to nature—walking through the woods, observing a beautiful sunset, or simply tending to a plant—improves our psychological and physical health. Nature is also good for our social well-being.
This Whiskey Is For Protecting Salmon - Northwest Public Broadcasting
“Salmon-Safe is substantially about water quality,” Scribner said. Good for farmers, and good for salmon, too.