Surging snowpack can have positive impact on salmon, slow start to wildfire season | KOMO
New form required for some NRCS customers | Agriculture |
Starting this year, all producers and landowners participating or applying to participate in certain NRCS conservation programs must complete form CCC-902, Farm Operating Plan, according to a press release from USDA.
Idaho Ag Looking At Address Land Lost To Urban Sprawl – PNW AG Network
It may be a slow process, but one that has many in the farming community concerned; the loss of farmland due to urban sprawl. According to the American Farmland Trust, between 2001-2016 eleven million acres of farmland was removed from production nationwide. That comes out to roughly 2,000 acres per day.
Tracking plans to tax the rich in the 2021 Washington Legislature | Crosscut
Wealth tax, capital gains tax, payroll tax — what’s the difference? We break it down.
WDFW Planning Prescribed Burn in Potholes – NewsRadio 560 KPQ
The Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife will be conducting a prescribed burn next week in the north Potholes area of the Columbia Wildlife Area. The goal of the burn is to improve habitat for the northern leopard frog.
Ellensburg City Council passes ordinance to create Diversity, Equity and Inclusion commission | News |
It’s been a little over six months in the development, but the Ellensburg City Council approved on first reading to create Diversity, Equity and Inclusion commission to develop ideals on how to make the city more inclusive in its lifestyle.
Merritt Long and former Tacoma mayor meet up for Facebook event. | The Olympian
Former Tacoma Mayor and current U.S. Rep Marilyn Strickland will host a conversation with Olympia author, community leader, and former state agency head Merritt Long at 6 p.m. Thursday on Facebook Live. They will discuss the experiences he shared in his new memoir, “My View From the Back of the Bus” as well pressing issues facing the Black community in Washington and across the nation.
Ready cash sends farmland values higher | Successful Farming
Higher commodity prices are putting cash in farmers’ pockets and as a result, farmland values are headed upward this year
Why Bill Gates Is Investing Big Time In Farmland Across Washington And The Country | Northwest Public Broadcasting
Millions of jobs aren’t coming back after the pandemic ends, spurring a need for retraining - The Washington Post
The coronavirus pandemic has triggered permanent shifts in how and where people work. Businesses are planning for a future where more people are working from home, traveling less for business, or replacing workers with robots.
Companies have been trying (and failing at) diversity training for 50 years
However, the concept of unconscious bias training is still part of the foundational effort many organizations made in 2020. They began by appointing DEI practitioners to lead the charge. Hiring for all levels of diversity, equity, and inclusion professionals increased more than 90% over last year, according to LinkedIn data.
Emmanuel Acho Lets White People Ask About Race In 'Uncomfortable Conversations With A Black Man' | Here & Now
Washington Rolls Out Updated Invasive Species Plan – PNW AG Network
In late January, the Washington Invasive Species Council approved an updated version of the statewide invasive species strategy. Justin Bush, Executive Coordinator for the Washington Recreation and Conservation Office, said at this point, they’ve only seen old invaders rearing their ugly heads.
Morning Wire: Policy cutoff, Republican budget proposal, Capital gains proposals - Washington State Wire
State legislative report 2/15: House Republicans release proposed budget | WAWG
Research: To Reduce Gender Bias in Hiring, Make Your Shortlist Longer
Our latest research, in Nature: Human Behavior, explores one reason for why noble intentions only go so far: Gender inequities are baked into the structure of the informal recruitment process.
Two ousted by Washington Conservation Commission appeal to high court | Rural Life |
Two Thurston County farmers petitioned the Washington Supreme Court on Tuesday, claiming the State Conservation Commission should pay for taking a shortcut to remove them as conservation district supervisors.
In predicting shallow but dangerous landslides, size matters
Latest report on prescribed burning shows an encouraging, upward trend in its utilization nationwide - National Association of State Foresters
Why does rebooting your computer almost always fix it?
How Email Attacks are Evolving in 2021 | Threatpost
Hundreds of thousands of dollars lost. Financial and emotional ruin. And in some cases, suicide. These are some of the outcomes business email compromise (BEC) attacks have on victims...
Research: When New IT Systems Shift the Burden onto Employees
"...managers must become aware of the workload shift that occurs when they invest in new IT products."
On The Back-End Of Winter, Washington Snowpack Is Generally Normal, With Idaho A Mixed Bag | Northwest Public Broadcasting
With about a month left in winter, Washington’s mountain snowpack is close to or above normal levels.
Ten habits of bad management
Statement from Rep. Melanie Morgan on the Equity in Farming Act – Washington State House Democrats
“Washington is seen as a great agriculture state, and it is, but that industry is dominated by white farmers and ranchers. Only about 90 of the state’s 63,000 or so producers are Black, while fewer than 1 percent are American Indian or Alaska Native, 1.37 percent are Asian, and 4.66 percent are Latinx. 97 percent of our producers are white."
The First Farmer in the US to Sequester Carbon for Cash Earns $115,000 For His New Planting Strategies
Trey Hill uses clover, lentils, and rye as cover crops, and radishes and turnips for root crops as sequestration and regeneration agents in his corn field. Recently Hill’s farm of 10,000 acres sold its carbon credits for $16.50 per ton, through a Seattle-based startup called Nori, which allows companies and individuals to buy carbon credits to offset their own carbon emissions.
5 tips for more equitable meetings
If you are joining a meeting where people are different from you, whether in terms of race, ethnicity, gender, sex, sexual orientation, ability, religion, age, language proficiency, socioeconomic background, education, degree of introversion, level of seniority, or other characteristics, then your identity can influence not only how others see you, but also how you see yourself.
5 ways startup founders can stop being such control freaks
This cybersecurity startup cofounder lays out 5 ways to trust your teams and stop obsessively controlling every detail of your business.
Here's how 'Managing Up' can improve your workplace success | World Economic Forum
Most people think of managing as a top-down process, but you also “manage” your boss, whether you realize it or not.
How you do it can be critical to workplace success, personal growth and mental well-being...
The reason we’re running out of farmers
For those who want to farm, spiralling prices often present insurmountable barriers to accessing land. And laws and customs often mean that the women and immigrants who do much of the world’s farming are denied agency over their work. MacGillivray’s experience shows that young farmers can thrive if they have the resources they need. But how can we ensure access to those resources?