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NACD Commends Proposals in Senate Ranking Member’s Farm Bill Framework, Urges Bipartisan Action to Pass a Final Bill - NACD
NACD Commends Proposals in Senate Ranking Member’s Farm Bill Framework, Urges Bipartisan Action to Pass a Final Bill - NACD
NEWS RELEASE FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE June 12, 2024 CONTACT: Candice Abinanti NACD Commends Proposals in Senate Ranking Member’s Farm Bill Framework, Urges Bipartisan Action to Pass a Final Bill Washington, D.C. – Today, Senate Committee on Agriculture Ranking Member John Boozman released a framework outlining Senate Republican farm bill priorities. NACD commends that the framework
NACD Commends Proposals in Senate Ranking Member’s Farm Bill Framework, Urges Bipartisan Action to Pass a Final Bill - NACD
NACD Leads Letter Supporting Technical Assistance and Conservation Programs in Federal Spending Bill - NACD
NACD Leads Letter Supporting Technical Assistance and Conservation Programs in Federal Spending Bill - NACD
NEWS RELEASE FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE April 01, 2024 CONTACT: Candice Abinanti NACD Leads Letter Supporting Technical Assistance and Conservation Programs in Federal Spending Bill Washington, D.C. – On March 29, the National Association of Conservation Districts (NACD) and a coalition of agriculture and conservation organizations sent a letter to the leaders of the U.S. House and
NACD Leads Letter Supporting Technical Assistance and Conservation Programs in Federal Spending Bill - NACD
Coalition Advocates for Climate-Smart Agriculture and Ag Conservation - NACD
Coalition Advocates for Climate-Smart Agriculture and Ag Conservation - NACD
The National Association of Conservation Districts and a coalition of 165 leading agriculture, conservation and wildlife groups delivered a letter to Congress urging them to ensure that the proposed $28 billion investment into U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) agriculture conservation programs and conservation technical assistance remains in the final budget reconciliation package.
Coalition Advocates for Climate-Smart Agriculture and Ag Conservation - NACD
Spring Fly-In - NACD
Spring Fly-In - NACD
The 2021 Spring Fly-In will be conducted virtually. Find more information on NACD's Virtual Advocacy Week, to be held the week of March 22.
Spring Fly-In - NACD
NACD Leaders Take Office - NACD
NACD Leaders Take Office - NACD
Today, the National Association of Conservation Districts (NACD) administered oaths of office to its incoming leadership members.
NACD Leaders Take Office - NACD