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Inslee signs water rights bill | Columbia Basin Herald
Inslee signs water rights bill | Columbia Basin Herald
OLYMPIA — According to an announcement from the Columbia Basin Development League, CBDL, in collaboration with the East Columbia Basin Irrigation District, Quincy-Columbia Basin Irrigation District, and South Columbia Basin Irrigation District, are celebrating the signing of House Bill 1752 by Gov. Jay Inslee. According to the announcement, this legislation addresses technical challenges in managing water resources within the Columbia Basin Project. HB 1752 authorizes the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation to apply for and obtain approval for water right modifications, an adaptation allowing more acres to be irrigated within the CBP without compromising the watershed. The statement said the bill was sponsored by Rep. Mary Dye, R-Pomeroy, and actively supported by the CBDL and the CBP irrigation districts.
Inslee signs water rights bill | Columbia Basin Herald