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50 Amazing New Nonfiction Books to Kick Off Your Summer Reading
50 Amazing New Nonfiction Books to Kick Off Your Summer Reading
And today, we’re excited to share our list of nominees for Summer 2021. Neither our staff nor our curators have read each and every title below, but we believe that the two best nonfiction books of the season are among them. So if you’re looking for summer reading, the nominees are…
50 Amazing New Nonfiction Books to Kick Off Your Summer Reading
Navigating Conflict in These Uncertain Times - PA TIMES Online | PA TIMES Online
Navigating Conflict in These Uncertain Times - PA TIMES Online | PA TIMES Online
With leadership theorists offering encyclopedic volumes of advice, successful leadership may appear to be more of a hope—like finding the right book in the Library of Congress—than a goal one can actualize. Elusive as successful leadership practice may be, it needn’t be a vain hope…even in today’s uncertain times.
Navigating Conflict in These Uncertain Times - PA TIMES Online | PA TIMES Online
Cultural intelligence and competing with robots
Cultural intelligence and competing with robots
But just having a brain isn’t enough. It’s using the power of this small, mighty organ to do what technology can’t do nearly as well: adapt and create.
Cultural intelligence and competing with robots
The Secret of Adaptable Organizations Is Trust
The Secret of Adaptable Organizations Is Trust
However, the real issue is not successfully transforming your organization on a one-time basis — it’s writing the ability to adapt and transform into the company’s DNA. It’s developing a mechanism or reflex for dealing with whatever crisis comes along, be it financial, technological, environmental, or health related.
The Secret of Adaptable Organizations Is Trust
Article: 5 Key Characteristics Of High Performing Teams
Article: 5 Key Characteristics Of High Performing Teams
High performing teams consistently meet their goals, work cohesively and consistently, and are engaged in their work. What makes a high performing team so successful? These five characteristics are key components of team success.The biggest factor separating high performing teams from average teams i
Article: 5 Key Characteristics Of High Performing Teams
Why Should Anyone Be Led by You?
Why Should Anyone Be Led by You?
We all know that leaders need vision and energy. But to be inspirational, leaders need four other qualities. Probably not what you’d expect, these qualities can be honed by almost anyone willing to dig deeply into their true selves.
Why Should Anyone Be Led by You?