Former Interior Department lawyer: Whatcom County water adjudication is all wet | Washington |
WACD Reading List
DNR Helicopters, Firefighters Knock Down South Thurston County Brush Fire Before It Threatens Structures | The Daily Chronicle
Americans' grocery bills set to reach new highs on food inflation | The Spokesman-Review
State resources helping battle emerging Canyon Road fire in Yakima County | The Spokesman-Review
Farm Bureau chapters seek to limit Ecology's reach on CAFO permits | Livestock |
Stuhlmiller said that small farms should have a chance to work with conservation districts or the Voluntary Stewardship Program before being required to get a CAFO permit.
2023 Farm Bill - American Farmland Trust
Forest Service to plant more than 1 billion trees in wake of fires, insect infestations | Timber |
USDA Offers CLEAR30 Option for Producers to Enroll Land with Expiring Conservation Contracts
WA Supreme Court rules on multiple benefits of trust lands | AP News
Oregon researchers propose innovative path forward for farming’s water woes - OPB
Hospitals sound alarm with 130% patient capacity as WA stares down BA.5 wave -
Stayman Flats Fire remains a threat Tuesday morning near Lake Chelan, 97A | The Spokesman-Review
Omicron summer in Oregon: Practical advice for the BA.5 subvariant - OPB
The Evolution of Agriculture - Water Education Colorado
Why the Omicron offshoot BA.5 is a big deal - CNN
Study calls for smarter land use planning to curb farmland loss | Research Center |
USAJOBS - Job Announcement
Algae bloom remediation could get $3 milllion-plus in federal bill | Washington |
An adult chinook is swimming in Hangman Creek for the first time in 108 years, a symbolic victory for the Coeur d'Alene Tribe | The Spokesman-Review
BA.5: The 'worst variant' is here - CNN
Threatened wild bees get help from Washington researchers | Research Center |
Invasive emerald ash borer found in Oregon — first sighting on West Coast | Timber |
Oregon fire season underway, red flag warnings in effect | Timber |
White House: To help salmon, lower Snake River dams may need to be removed | Water |
Wheat Growers List 2023 Farm Bill Priorities
Interim legislative workgroups to focus on ag, salmon | WAWG
How to talk about the elephant in the room
It’s Time to Reimagine Employee Retention
Rational Agency Design: Avoiding Legacy Assignments - PA TIMES Online | PA TIMES Online
15 of Washington’s 39 counties reporting high levels of COVID-19 – KIRO 7 News Seattle