In a Hybrid World, Your Tech Defines Employee Experience
One of the big questions many leaders are facing now is: how can we meaningfully communicate, collaborate, and connect in a hybrid (or remote) environment?
Klicker legislation for equity in alternative energy facilities siting has new life - Mark Klicker
“This is a big win for the policy in my legislation and for the people of rural Washington,” said Klicker, R-Walla Walla. “Although the amendment does not include a short-term moratorium on the siting of alternative energy facilities, it does bring this issue to the local level and allows the primary stakeholders to be involved.”
Washington lawmakers consider another path to buffers | Rural Life |
Washington lawmakers are considering delegating broad powers to the state Department of Fish and Wildlife to write salmon-protection rules, requiring all publicly funded projects to have a "net ecological gain."
New research from OSU's native bee project could benefit farmers | Research Center |
"Agriculture is often implicated with bee declines," he said. "That's sometimes true, but we're not the Midwest. Here in Oregon, farmers are doing a good job overall, and specialty crops are actually contributing to many diverse types of bees."
In bringing back wild lynx, Confederated Colville tribes hope to right historical wrongs and restore balance to wildlife on the landscape | Local News | Spokane | The Pacific Northwest Inlander | News, Politics, Music, Calendar, Events in Spokane, Coeur d'Alene and the Inland Northwest
Passing the Private Forest Accord Would Help Oregon Catch Up with Washington and California - Sightline Institute
The resulting Private Forest Accord deal, signed in October 2021, would amend Oregon’s Forest Practices Act to expand riparian buffers, tighten protections against landslides and erosion, support small woodland owners, and improve the rulemaking process going forward
U.S. District Court restores federal protection of wolves |
SAN FRANSCISCO, Calif. — Animal Wellness Action, and the Center for a Humane Economy, and affiliates applauded a U.S. District Court for doing away with a last-minute Trump administration rule removing wolves from the Endangered Species Act
Rule bill to support farmers after natural disasters passes House – Washington State House Democrats
The Washington House of Representatives advanced legislation by Rep. Alicia Rule (D-Blaine) today to assist farmers and ranchers recovering from natural disasters.
NASDA registers concerns over WOTUS rulemaking | Water |
The National Association of State Departments of Agriculture has told the federal government it has significant concerns with the rationale used in the proposed rulemaking for the “waters of the United States” under the Clean Water Act.
The Overlooked Leadership Skill of Asking Questions - PA TIMES Online | PA TIMES Online
1) Leaders don’t have to have all the right answers. 2) Good leaders are willing to be curious by asking others for their insights and ideas. 3) Leaders who ask questions model a learning culture.
USDA to Invest $1 Billion in Climate Smart Commodities, Expanding Markets, Strengthening Rural America | NRCS
JEFFERSON CITY, Mo., Feb. 7, 2022 – Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack announced today at Lincoln University that the U.S. Department of Agriculture is delivering on its promise to expand markets by investing $1 billion in partnerships to support America’s climate-smart farmers, ranchers and forest landowners.
Dana Coggon, Kitsap County's 'weed czar,' departs for new job
But on Monday, she left for a job as director of the Pierce County Conservation District. Coggon leaves a prolific mark in the fight to push back against invasive plant species in Kitsap County.
Inslee's buffer bill faced uncertain future, Senate ag chairman says | Rural Life |
The buffer bill fell victim to a deadline for legislation to pass either a Senate or House committee. Bills that didn't clear that first hurdle were set aside for the rest of the session.
250K steelhead fish missing from Washington state hatchery - OPB
The smolts that were discovered missing on Sunday accounted for about 64% of Lyons Ferry Hatchery’s Wallowa stock summer steelhead and less than 8% of the overall hatchery steelhead production in the Snake River basin
Learn about Kittitas County Conservation District, what it does, what it is, who can benefit from its work, and why its Board of Supervisor elections are held outside the general ballot elections.
Do Your Diversity Initiatives Promote Assimilation Over Inclusion?
It is not uncommon to see the group with the least privilege expected to change its behavior to help achieve equity in an organization. Rarely does anyone feel safe and included in any dynamic where they are the only ones expected to change.