WACD Reading List

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Klicker legislation for equity in alternative energy facilities siting has new life - Mark Klicker
Klicker legislation for equity in alternative energy facilities siting has new life - Mark Klicker
“This is a big win for the policy in my legislation and for the people of rural Washington,” said Klicker, R-Walla Walla. “Although the amendment does not include a short-term moratorium on the siting of alternative energy facilities, it does bring this issue to the local level and allows the primary stakeholders to be involved.”
Klicker legislation for equity in alternative energy facilities siting has new life - Mark Klicker
In bringing back wild lynx, Confederated Colville tribes hope to right historical wrongs and restore balance to wildlife on the landscape | Local News | Spokane | The Pacific Northwest Inlander | News, Politics, Music, Calendar, Events in Spokane, Coeur d'Alene and the Inland Northwest
In bringing back wild lynx, Confederated Colville tribes hope to right historical wrongs and restore balance to wildlife on the landscape | Local News | Spokane | The Pacific Northwest Inlander | News, Politics, Music, Calendar, Events in Spokane, Coeur d'Alene and the Inland Northwest
In bringing back wild lynx, Confederated Colville tribes hope to right historical wrongs and restore balance to wildlife on the landscape | Local News | Spokane | The Pacific Northwest Inlander | News, Politics, Music, Calendar, Events in Spokane, Coeur d'Alene and the Inland Northwest
Passing the Private Forest Accord Would Help Oregon Catch Up with Washington and California - Sightline Institute
Passing the Private Forest Accord Would Help Oregon Catch Up with Washington and California - Sightline Institute
The resulting Private Forest Accord deal, signed in October 2021, would amend Oregon’s Forest Practices Act to expand riparian buffers, tighten protections against landslides and erosion, support small woodland owners, and improve the rulemaking process going forward
Passing the Private Forest Accord Would Help Oregon Catch Up with Washington and California - Sightline Institute
U.S. District Court restores federal protection of wolves | TheFencePost.com
U.S. District Court restores federal protection of wolves | TheFencePost.com
SAN FRANSCISCO, Calif. — Animal Wellness Action, and the Center for a Humane Economy, and affiliates applauded a U.S. District Court for doing away with a last-minute Trump administration rule removing wolves from the Endangered Species Act
U.S. District Court restores federal protection of wolves | TheFencePost.com
NASDA registers concerns over WOTUS rulemaking | Water | capitalpress.com
NASDA registers concerns over WOTUS rulemaking | Water | capitalpress.com
The National Association of State Departments of Agriculture has told the federal government it has significant concerns with the rationale used in the proposed rulemaking for the “waters of the United States” under the Clean Water Act.
NASDA registers concerns over WOTUS rulemaking | Water | capitalpress.com