WACD Reading List
Is There Really Such a Thing as Low-Carbon Beef? | WIRED
In November, the US Department of Agriculture approved a program that will open a path for beef producers to market their meat as low-carbon. Producers who can prove that their cattle are raised in a way that emits 10 percent less greenhouse gases than an industry baseline can qualify for the certification scheme, which is run by a private company called Low Carbon Beef.
Flexday Friday Brings Balance Back to the Workweek - Bloomberg
A permanent culture of remote or hybrid work has its pros and cons when it comes to this new concept of "office hours." We probably won't ever go back to a world where workers are truly free from Friday evening until Monday morning.
NW AG SHOW REPORT: Advice for farmers making succession plans | Oregon | capitalpress.com
"There are so many different things involved in succession planning. It's not just a will and trust," said Nellie McAdams, executive director of Oregon Agricultural Trust. "It can sort of seem like unraveling a ball of yarn and not knowing where the end is."
Cliff Mass Weather Blog: Super King Tide: Water Levels Approach or Achieve Record Levels in the Northwest
King Tides represent unusually high water levels, which occur when the geometry of the sun and moon are just right. But this year, the predicted tide got a major boost in Seattle, thanks to the atmosphere.
USDA Announces Additional Farm Service Agency and Rural Development State Directors | USDA
Helen Price Johnson, RD State Director for Washington -
A third-generation small business owner, Helen Price Johnson concluded three terms on the Island County Commission in 2021. She is a past president of the Washington State Association of Counties, a two-term member of the South Whidbey School Board and a former member of the Board of Directors of the Whidbey Community Foundation. In these roles, she worked statewide advocating for small towns, small businesses and rural lands.
USDA to Invest up to $225 Million in Partner-Driven Conservation on Agricultural and Forest Land | NRCS
“RCPP is public-private partnership at its best,” said Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) Chief Terry Cosby. “We’re harnessing the power of partnership to create lasting solutions to global challenges, like climate change, and support producers and communities who have been underserved in the past.”
Omicron variant will 'find just about everybody,' Fauci says, but vaccinated people will still fare better - CNN
As the Omicron variant spreads like wildfire across the United States, it's likely just about everybody will be exposed to the strain, but vaccinated people will still fare better, the nation's leading infectious disease expert said Tuesday.
California's Drought Reckoning Could Offer Lessons for the West | The Pew Charitable Trusts
But state officials and water policy experts are still urging caution even in these wet conditions, pushing for water-saving measures as the drought is expected to continue throughout much of the West.
Vilsack vows 'voluntary and incentive-based' climate strategy for farms | Agriculture | capitalpress.com
The USDA is using the Environmental Quality Incentives Program, or EQIP, and the Conservation Stewardship Program, or CSP, to help farmers use methods such as cover crops to sequester carbon.