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Article: Doing This One Thing Will Help You Be More Productive
Article: Doing This One Thing Will Help You Be More Productive
Busy is not the same as productive.Here’s the key difference: Busy people take on everything and offer unfettered access to their time, expertise, and attention; productive people set boundaries.Even when we don’t have the time for or interest in something, we often feel guilty about saying no or are
Article: Doing This One Thing Will Help You Be More Productive
How Wolves Are Driving Down Mountain Lion Populations | Science | Smithsonian Magazine
How Wolves Are Driving Down Mountain Lion Populations | Science | Smithsonian Magazine
A recent study from Wyoming shows that when the two predators overlap, wolves kill kittens in high numbers and push adults to starvationA recent study from Wyoming shows that when the two predators overlap, wolves kill kittens in high numbers and push adults to starvation.
How Wolves Are Driving Down Mountain Lion Populations | Science | Smithsonian Magazine
Using Satellites to Improve Sustainability, Yield - California Ag Network
Using Satellites to Improve Sustainability, Yield - California Ag Network
Two of the nation’s great agricultural regions are the focus of new research that aims to head off emerging threats and improve sustainability. Scientists with the Agricultural Research Service (ARS) are joining colleagues to create and use artificial intelligence to help farmers in the Colorado River Basin and Salinas Valley, CA, improve their management of irrigation, fertilization, …ARS has three primary roles in the project: To calculate project area crop water use and anomalies with crop water use across the entire region; develop tools that help growers avoid salinity damage while minimizing the leaching of fertilizer; and to gather field data to validate satellite algorithms.
Using Satellites to Improve Sustainability, Yield - California Ag Network
Wildfire And Forest Health Bill Receives Hearing In Washington Legislature | Spokane Public Radio
Wildfire And Forest Health Bill Receives Hearing In Washington Legislature | Spokane Public Radio
Last fall’s wildfires were invoked Friday at a hearing for a new forest health bill in the Washington legislature. The bill is proposed at the request of Lands Commissioner Hilary Franz, who reminded members of a House committee that 2020 was the worst wildfire season in years in Washington.
Wildfire And Forest Health Bill Receives Hearing In Washington Legislature | Spokane Public Radio
How to Listen Deeply | Psychology Today
How to Listen Deeply | Psychology Today
Are you a good listener? Most of us aren’t that great at listening, we prefer to be heard and validated. Yet, so do others. Here’s a primer on listening carefully.Are you a good listener? Most of us aren’t that great at listening, we prefer to be heard and validated. Yet, so do others. Here’s a primer on listening carefully.
How to Listen Deeply | Psychology Today
Washington Plans Mass Vaccination Sites, But Says Please Register...And Don't Show Up Yet | Northwest Public Broadcasting
Washington Plans Mass Vaccination Sites, But Says Please Register...And Don't Show Up Yet | Northwest Public Broadcasting
Washington state plans to roll out mass doses of the COVID-19 vaccine at regional hubs starting Monday, Jan. 25. But some local officials say they received little notice and that they’re far from ready. Continue Reading Washington Plans Mass Vaccination Sites, But Says Please Register…And Don’t Show Up YetWashington state plans to roll out mass doses of the COVID-19 vaccine at regional hubs starting Monday, Jan. 25. But some local officials say they received little notice and that they’re far from ready.
Washington Plans Mass Vaccination Sites, But Says Please Register...And Don't Show Up Yet | Northwest Public Broadcasting