From Prompt to Product: The Rise of AI-Powered Web App Builders | Andreessen Horowitz
What products are builders using to make websites and web apps with AI? A deep dive into how these products work, their limitations, and the features on the horizon.
For the past 25 years, application software startups have had a singular focus: increasing company and employee (including developer) productivity. This looked like building software that increased productivity at the employee level, increased collaboration across employees and teams, and/or enabled better oversight and management at the leadership level. More often than not, this software has been priced on a per seat basis, in essence benchmarked against the cost of the headcount itself and increasing that headcount’s productivity.
Wolfram|Alpha as the Way to Bring Computational Knowledge Superpowers to ChatGPT
Accessing Wolfram|Alpha's computational knowledge with ChatGPT--an ideal combination of precise computation with human-like expression of ideas. Stephen Wolfram explains how.
Comment parler autant à un développeur qui n’a jamais lu de sciences humaines qu'à une grand-mère qui va sur Internet juste pour skyper avec ses petits-enfants ? C'est à cette question que le journaliste Xavier de La Porte a répondu, lors du lancement du lab de l'Ina (une offre qui met la data au service de la recherche sur les médias). Dans ce texte, il est question de code, de truchement, de métavers et d'intelligence artificielle, mais aussi de corps et de... rugby.