How to feel like you have enough – The Creative Independent
A guide to overcoming scarcity mindset and finding abundance in your creative work and life, written by Christine Garvey with illustrations by Sarah Lutkenhaus.
Two articles about matter and life have been on my mind for a while. The first is Life Helps Make Almost Half of All Minerals on Earth, in Quanta magazine. The second is this article in Nature, Glo…
☞ AI, the God of the Gaps, and Our Quintessential Humanity
In addition to following the increasingly complex abilities of various AI technologies, I have also been carefully watching society’s response to these systems. Are we worried about our jobs? Do we welcome our coming overlords? Do we cower in fear? Do we dwell on how best to augment our own abilities? Do our minds go blank with an inability to predict what is to come? Or all of these and everything else in between? AI seems to reduce anyone who encounters it to an atavistic version of themselves.
Are we cut off from the outer world, trapped alone in our personal experience? In 1979 the psychologist J.J. Gibson wrote a famous book with a different view—and it can change the way we see the world.Thanks for reading Ralph Ammer! Subscribe for free to receive new posts and support my work.