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Black Swans & Cranberry Sauce: A Thanksgiving Tale
Black Swans & Cranberry Sauce: A Thanksgiving Tale
As we gather for Thanksgiving, I wanted to share a story about how an agricultural crisis led to one of marketing's greatest pivots — and what it tells us about the changing rules of success. In November 1959, America stopped eating cranberries. The government alerted the public to avoid the fruit
Black Swans & Cranberry Sauce: A Thanksgiving Tale
AI startups: Sell work, not software
AI startups: Sell work, not software
For the past 25 years, application software startups have had a singular focus: increasing company and employee (including developer) productivity. This looked like building software that increased productivity at the employee level, increased collaboration across employees and teams, and/or enabled better oversight and management at the leadership level. More often than not, this software has been priced on a per seat basis, in essence benchmarked against the cost of the headcount itself and increasing that headcount’s productivity.
AI startups: Sell work, not software
☞ AI, the God of the Gaps, and Our Quintessential Humanity
☞ AI, the God of the Gaps, and Our Quintessential Humanity
In addition to following the increasingly complex abilities of various AI technologies, I have also been carefully watching society’s response to these systems. Are we worried about our jobs? Do we welcome our coming overlords? Do we cower in fear? Do we dwell on how best to augment our own abilities? Do our minds go blank with an inability to predict what is to come? Or all of these and everything else in between? AI seems to reduce anyone who encounters it to an atavistic version of themselves.
☞ AI, the God of the Gaps, and Our Quintessential Humanity
Mythes et réalités des IA génératives
Mythes et réalités des IA génératives
En lançant OpenAI en 2015, Elon Musk et ses co-investisseurs ne pensaient pas qu’ils allaient déclencher un tel raz-de-marée médiatique quelques années plus tard. Si la vocation initiale d&#8…
Mythes et réalités des IA génératives
From Bing to Sydney
From Bing to Sydney
More on Bing, particularly the Sydney personality undergirding it: interacting with Sydney has made me completely rethink what conversational AI is important for.
This technology does not feel like a better search. It feels like something entirely new — the movie Her manifested in chat form — and I’m not sure if we are ready for it.
From Bing to Sydney
GPT-3 : c'est toi le Chat.
GPT-3 : c'est toi le Chat.
Après les générateurs d'images se prenant pour autant d'oeuvres d'art dont je vous parlais longuement dans ces colonnes, voici donc l'un des derniers avatars de la société OpenAI, un "chatbot", une interface conversationnelle qui permet de "discuter" et de lancer le générateur de texte sur la base d
Lentement mais aussi sûrement qu’inexorablement, nous sommes en train de collectivement et singulièrement redéfinir notre rapport à la langue. A l’échelle de cette grande interface membranaire du monde que l’on nomme “le numérique”, nous parlons constamment à des moteurs de recherche, à des algorithmes, à des individus ou à des collectifs absents au moment même de l’énonciation, et désormais à des agencements et à des générateurs.
GPT-3 : c'est toi le Chat.