Still In Praise of PonzisThe bubble has popped, but pyramid schemes are more important than ever. If you want customers to notice you, you'll have to play along.#Technologie#Attention#Economy#Modèles économiques#Société#Tendances··Oct 28, 2022Still In Praise of Ponzis
Ad Tech Could Be the Next Internet Bubble | WIREDThe scariest thing about microtargeted ads is that they just don’t work.#Google#Attention#Economy#Modèles économiques#Web··Oct 18, 2020Ad Tech Could Be the Next Internet Bubble | WIRED
Chris Anderson's The Long Tail Was Published 15 Years Ago. Does It Hold Up? | MarkerA decade and a half after the publication of Chris Anderson’s book, most creators have lost out to the aggregators#Attention#Economy#Modèles économiques#Plateformes#Internet··Nov 29, 2020Chris Anderson's The Long Tail Was Published 15 Years Ago. Does It Hold Up? | Marker