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AI, Hardware, and Virtual Reality
AI, Hardware, and Virtual Reality
Defining virtual reality as being about hardware is to miss the point: virtual reality is AI, and hardware is an (essential) means to an end.
In fact, I would argue that defining “virtual reality” to mean an immersive headset is to miss the point: virtual reality is a digital experience that has fully broken the bounds of human constraints, and in that experience the hardware is a means, not an end. Moreover, a virtual reality experience need not involve vision at all: talking with ChatGPT, for example, is an aural experience that feels more like virtual reality than the majority of experiences I’ve had in a headset. True virtual reality shifts time like media, place like communications, and, crucially, does so with perfect availability and infinite capacity. In this view, virtual reality is AI, and AI is virtual reality. Hardware does matter — that has been the focus of this Article — but it matters as a means to an end, to enable an interactive experience without the constraints of human capacity or the friction of actual reality.
AI, Hardware, and Virtual Reality
Career Advice
Career Advice
To my great surprise, young people now somewhat frequently contact me in order to solicit career advice.They are usually in college or highschool, and want to know what the best next steps are for a career in security or software development.This is, honestly, a really complicated question, mostl...
Career Advice
Public capital was once the hypermatter for the jump to lightspeed, but no more.
The Illusion Of AI’s Existential Risk | NOEMA
The Illusion Of AI’s Existential Risk | NOEMA
Focusing on the prospect of human extinction by AI in the distant future may prevent us from addressing AI’s disruptive dangers to society today.
The Illusion Of AI’s Existential Risk | NOEMA
The Resourceful Life
The Resourceful Life
I used to think of resourcefulness as a kind of practical intelligence, but I’ve recently started thinking of it as a combination of an energy state, an attitude, and an unexamined philosophy…
The Resourceful Life
Metaphors for AI, and why I don’t like them
Metaphors for AI, and why I don’t like them
Photo from National Photo Company Collection; see also (Sobel, 2017) [Cross posted in lesswrong and windows on theory see here for my prior writings]“computer, n. /kəmˈpjuːtə/. One who computes; a …
Metaphors for AI, and why I don’t like them
AI Canon | Andreessen Horowitz
AI Canon | Andreessen Horowitz
A curated list of resources we’ve relied on to get smarter about modern AI, including generative AI, LLMs, and transformer models.
AI Canon | Andreessen Horowitz
☞ AI, the God of the Gaps, and Our Quintessential Humanity
☞ AI, the God of the Gaps, and Our Quintessential Humanity
In addition to following the increasingly complex abilities of various AI technologies, I have also been carefully watching society’s response to these systems. Are we worried about our jobs? Do we welcome our coming overlords? Do we cower in fear? Do we dwell on how best to augment our own abilities? Do our minds go blank with an inability to predict what is to come? Or all of these and everything else in between? AI seems to reduce anyone who encounters it to an atavistic version of themselves.
☞ AI, the God of the Gaps, and Our Quintessential Humanity