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Web3 beyond the hype
Web3 beyond the hype
Digital assets and the technologies underlying them still have the potential to transform business models across sectors.
Web3 beyond the hype
Web3/Crypto: Why Bother?
Web3/Crypto: Why Bother?
One thing that keeps surprising me is how quite a few people see absolutely nothing redeeming in web3 (née crypto). Maybe this is their genuine belief. Maybe it is a reaction to the extreme boosterism...
Web3/Crypto: Why Bother?
Token to play
Token to play
Digiday is launching a new editorial package on Monday, July 25 that examines the ways publishers and marketers are using NFTs and blockchain technology in their businesses.
Token to play
Wie Wettbewerb unter Plattformen im Web3-Kontext aussehen kann
Wie Wettbewerb unter Plattformen im Web3-Kontext aussehen kann
Heute arbeitet jede Plattform mit ihrer eigenen Datenbank. Der entscheidende Unterschied einer potenziellen Welt, in der verschiedene Plattformen in einem Sektor für manche Dinge auf eine gemeinsame Datenbank zugreifen, ist eine größere Durchlässigkeit an der Stelle, für die eben diese gemeinsame D
Wie Wettbewerb unter Plattformen im Web3-Kontext aussehen kann
Mythes et réalités du Web3
Mythes et réalités du Web3
Depuis quelques mois, nous subissons une véritable cacophonie médiatique autour de nombreux concepts technologiques comme les cryptomonnaies, les blockchains, les NFTs, les DAOs, les métavers&#8230…
Mythes et réalités du Web3
Web3 is going just great
Web3 is going just great
A timeline of some of the greatest hits in cryptocurrencies, NFTs, and other web3 projects since the beginning of 2021
Web3 is going just great
Web3 | No Mercy / No Malice
Web3 | No Mercy / No Malice
I didn’t anticipate how much I’d appreciate a @Jack of fewer trades. Key to progress is class traitors: Generals warning of a military-industrial complex, product managers who narc on mendacious management, and tech leaders who violate the Silicon Valley code of the white guy — never criticize each other or your noble missions to save […]
Web3 | No Mercy / No Malice
Wtf is web3
Wtf is web3
Web3 has been a very fashionable term this year, mostly for the alt-finance cartoon characters and tech world’s ultrasophisticated twitter-thread authors. It was one of the two cheat code phrases that you could use in 2021 to bypass the critical thinking of LPs when raising your first ever fund, with the other being “metaverse”. Congrats, you now have one billion dollars to deploy because you learned the trendy words and you went to a good school, glhf.
Wtf is web3
arweave is a global, permanent hard drive built on two novel technologies: the blockweave, a derivative of the blockchain, and proof of access, a custom incentivised proof of work algorithm. These innovations provide truly permanent data storage for the very first time and at a massive scale.
Thoughts on Web3
Thoughts on Web3
A couple of months ago this Dispatch might have been called ‘WTF Web3?’ Today, it should be quite a bit more informed. Still, I’m in no way any kind of specialist on the topic, just spending a bit more time exploring, which is what I’d like to share here. Just a list of thoughts and things to read.
Thoughts on Web3
Unpacking the Web3 Sausage
Unpacking the Web3 Sausage
Crypto is interesting for the freedom it enables, not for the freedom users currently care about. (a response to Moxie)
Unpacking the Web3 Sausage