Why ‘the currency in Web 3.0 is not crypto, it's trust’
Unilever’s chief digital and commercial officer is on edge: the global internet is being transformed. But that won’t necessarily make it better. In fact, it could make it worse.
Wie Wettbewerb unter Plattformen im Web3-Kontext aussehen kann
Heute arbeitet jede Plattform mit ihrer eigenen Datenbank.
Der entscheidende Unterschied einer potenziellen Welt, in der verschiedene Plattformen in einem Sektor für manche Dinge auf eine gemeinsame Datenbank zugreifen, ist eine größere Durchlässigkeit an der Stelle, für die eben diese gemeinsame D
The Virtual Economy is a system of sophisticated platforms, fledgling marketplaces, volatile assets, nixers & pioneers that exist solely in virtual environments.
A vibrant community of developers, entrepreneurs, artists and crypto enthusiasts chart the future of the Ethereum blockchain as it experiences unprecedented growth. ETHEREUM: THE INFINITE GARDEN is a character-driven documentary film on the challenges and rewards of building a new world.
This post “explains like I’m five” core crypto concepts: web 3, blockchain (wallets, consensus), tokens, bitcoin, ethereum, NFTs, and DAOs. Let's go down the rabbit hole together.