Comment un journal suisse a développé le meilleur outil au monde pour vendre des abonnements…
Un journal suisse allemand au nom imprononçable pour les non-germanophones, le Neue Zürcher Zeitung, coiffe au poteau les plus grands médias du monde. Son secret ? Une intelligence artificielle pointu…
La techno au service des rédactions ? Oui, si les journalistes sont impliqués et relèvent la tête du…
Par Alexandra Yeh, France Télévisions, Direction de l’Innovation Des robots journalistes à la recommandation personnalisée, de la publicité programmatique à l’indexation automatique des contenus : …
Comment les journalistes perçoivent les fake news et la transformation digitale des médias
Cette année fut difficile pour les médias. La prolifération des fake news et l'usage des médias sociaux pour influencer l'opinion ont considérablement dégradé leur image. Les politiques aussi s'en son…
Memes That Kill: The Future Of Information Warfare
Memes and social networks have become weaponized, while many governments seem ill-equipped to understand the new reality of information warfare. How will we fight state-sponsored disinformation and pr…
Google’s news chief Richard Gingras: “We need to rethink journalism at every dimension”
"I think we need to be way more humble. As I often say, technology has value but it doesn’t have values. It’s what we do with it. There’s a lot of bullshit in the Valley."
One year in, Facebook Journalism Project gets mixed reviews from publishers
Publishers give Facebook credit for listening to them, but those that are looking for tangible, meaningful benefits say the initiative hasn’t delivered.
“The only hope for a serious pushback against misinformation will come from progress in artificial intelligence, machine learning, and natural language processing. But it will take a while to come up with reliable models able to process at scale a firehose of news.”
Popping the Publishing Bubble – Stratechery by Ben Thompson
For years publishers haven’t had to worry about business models: they just captured attention and watched the money come in. Those days, though, are over: the publications that survive will s…
The newspaper created a platform to tackle its own challenges. Then, with Amazon-like spirit, it realized there was a business in helping other publishers do the same.