Dust - Secure AI assistant with your company's knowledge
Dust is an AI assistant that safely brings the best large language models, continuously updated company knowledge, powerful collaboration applications, and an extensible platform to your team's fingertips.
Les places de marché de chatbots annoncent le retour des assistants d’achat
Voilà plus d’un an que l’on nous annonce une révolution dans les bureaux portée par des modèles génératifs capables de prendre en charge tous types de tâches (analyse, synthèse, rédacti…
Ask about your document with the power of custom Generative AI. Afforai speeds up your writing tasks and helps you understand large volumes of text with 5 times the quality and 10 times the capability of ChatGPT and other AI models. Get started today for free.
ChatDOC is a ChatGPT-based file-reading assistant that can quickly extract, locate and summarize information from documents (.pdf, .doc, .docx, .md, .epub, .txt, website, scanned file).
ChatGPT for your website. Get a custom trained ChatGPT powered chatbot for your business or website that can answer questions about your products and services in real-time, 24/7. SiteSpeakAI makes it easy.