Databases & Digital Collections

Databases & Digital Collections

#OpenAccess #archives
Warnings from the Archive - Archive - Collections
Warnings from the Archive - Archive - Collections

Two catalogues: Mesopotamia Commission (1917); Iraq "Chilcot" Inquiry

"More than a simple comparison of these two inquiries’ reports, we seek to unearth the unique methodology of state-led inquiries by analysing archival documents of the process. This project questions how public inquiries were established, who was invited to participate, and which voices were favoured. These questions allow us to understand how political cultures imagine what a ‘proper inquiry’ should look like, amplifying the voices and perspectives of certain individuals over others. Rather than providing an apolitical interpretation of events, inquiries privileged legalistic approaches to responsibility, hierarchising individual experiences and limiting the value of other sources of evidence. Thus, we argue that the inquiry is, in itself, a political act – not simply an extractive exercise – that empowers its non-judicial staff with highly significant decisions about the future of Britain’s self-image and perceived role in the Middle East."

Warnings from the Archive - Archive - Collections
NATO Library: NATO Publications: Introduction
NATO Library: NATO Publications: Introduction
A list of publications (downloadable official texts, encyclopedia, standards, annual reports, glossaries, handbooks, terms/terminology database, and newsletters/gazettes) from NATO and NATO Bodies. Here you will find information about a a variety of sources, ranging from the secretary Generals Annual Report, to Law publications, Cyber and AI, etc.
NATO Library: NATO Publications: Introduction
Hoover Institution Library & Archives – Digital Collections
Hoover Institution Library & Archives – Digital Collections
Search or browse the growing collection of digitized posters, photographs, manuscripts, moving images, sound recordings, and other historical materials from the Hoover Institution Library & Archives. Includes propaganda, political materials, Cold War, art, speeches, literature. Documenting science and technology, cultural movements. Materials date back through 1874.
Hoover Institution Library & Archives – Digital Collections
National Security Archive | Virtual Reading Room
National Security Archive | Virtual Reading Room
Browse and search through thousands of declassified primary-source materials collected by The National Security Archive. BRIEFING BOOKS: (found under the "POSTINGS" tab) put the documents hosted on the NSArchive website into historical context.
National Security Archive | Virtual Reading Room
Архив Национальной Безопасности - Российская программа (National Security Archive | Russian Page)
Архив Национальной Безопасности - Российская программа (National Security Archive | Russian Page)
DC-based nonprofit that produces collections of FOIA-released US government documents has a Russian section that includes about 18,000 declassified Russian and Eurasian (including Georgian) documents. Found under the коллекции (Collections) tab.
Архив Национальной Безопасности - Российская программа (National Security Archive | Russian Page)
Електронний архів українського визвольного руху | Digital Archive of Ukrainian Liberation Movement (20th century)
Електронний архів українського визвольного руху | Digital Archive of Ukrainian Liberation Movement (20th century)
Website/metadata is available in Ukrainian and English. Over 21,000 Ukrainian language documents; more than 12,000 Russian; hundreds of Polish, Czech, and other European docuemnts. About:..."documents and materials covering the activities of organizations of the Ukrainian liberation movement: the armed underground (Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists, Ukrainian Insurgent Army, Ukrainian Main Liberation Council, etc.), dissident and mass national democratic movement in the second half of the XX century; documents of repressive structures of occupation regimes (NKVD-MGB-KGB, German Gestapo and security service, etc.).The project aims to provide open access to electronic copies of documents on the history of the Ukrainian liberation movement in the XX century. At this stage of implementation [2/2022], the E-archive contains more than 10,000 documents from the collections of the Center for Liberation Movement Studies, and from the Fund 13 of the SBU Branch State Archive "Collection of Printed KGB of the USSR", electronic copies of which were transferred to Lviv National University.
Електронний архів українського визвольного руху | Digital Archive of Ukrainian Liberation Movement (20th century)