Databases & Digital Collections

Databases & Digital Collections

#Archives #UnitedStates #Government
U.S. Senate: Archives of the United States Senate
U.S. Senate: Archives of the United States Senate

Senators' Papers and Archives; Senate Committee and Administrative Archives; Center for Legislative Archives; Senate Rules and Statutes Governing Senate Records; Reports of the Advisory Committee on the Records of Congress.

The Senate Office of Public Records (OPR) receives, processes, and maintains for public inspection records, reports, and other documents filed with the Secretary of the Senate involving the Lobbying Disclosure Act (LDA), the Ethics in Government Act, the Mutual Security Act, and the Senate Code of Official Conduct. As provided by various Senate rules, OPR also handles public financial disclosure, reimbursed travel reports, registration of mass mailings, political fund designations, and supervisors' reports on individuals performing Senate services. The office reviews the filings of and provides guidance to registrants under the LDA.

U.S. Senate: Archives of the United States Senate
National Security Archive | Virtual Reading Room
National Security Archive | Virtual Reading Room
Browse and search through thousands of declassified primary-source materials collected by The National Security Archive. BRIEFING BOOKS: (found under the "POSTINGS" tab) put the documents hosted on the NSArchive website into historical context.
National Security Archive | Virtual Reading Room
Архив Национальной Безопасности - Российская программа (National Security Archive | Russian Page)
Архив Национальной Безопасности - Российская программа (National Security Archive | Russian Page)
DC-based nonprofit that produces collections of FOIA-released US government documents has a Russian section that includes about 18,000 declassified Russian and Eurasian (including Georgian) documents. Found under the коллекции (Collections) tab.
Архив Национальной Безопасности - Российская программа (National Security Archive | Russian Page)