Databases & Digital Collections

Databases & Digital Collections

J. Robert Oppenheimer Personnel Hearings Transcripts
J. Robert Oppenheimer Personnel Hearings Transcripts
In December 1953, the Atomic Energy Commission (AEC) suspended the security clearance of Dr. J. Robert Oppenheimer, and after a four-week, closed-door hearing in April and May 1954, formally revoked that clearance. In June 1954, the AEC released a redacted version of the hearing transcript, (see AEC press release), with security classified information deleted, published by the Government Printing Office (GPO) under the title, In the Matter of J. Robert Oppenheimer: Transcript of Hearing before Personnel Security Board. Sixty years later, the Department of Energy has re-reviewed the original transcript and is making available to the public, for the first time, the full text of the transcript in its original form. The transcript, produced in 19 volumes, is arranged in such a way that pages from which information was deleted in the published version are easy to locate with the deleted information readily identifiable. Volumes IIa, IIb, VIa, VIIa, IXa and IXb consist of pages from the original transcript that were segregated as "Classified Testimony." Also included is a separate volume showing the location and text that was deleted from the 1954 published version. This volume gives the page number of both the 1954 GPO publication and the original transcript. In addition, the volume points out specifically what information was deleted.
J. Robert Oppenheimer Personnel Hearings Transcripts
U.S. Senate: Archives of the United States Senate
U.S. Senate: Archives of the United States Senate

Senators' Papers and Archives; Senate Committee and Administrative Archives; Center for Legislative Archives; Senate Rules and Statutes Governing Senate Records; Reports of the Advisory Committee on the Records of Congress.

The Senate Office of Public Records (OPR) receives, processes, and maintains for public inspection records, reports, and other documents filed with the Secretary of the Senate involving the Lobbying Disclosure Act (LDA), the Ethics in Government Act, the Mutual Security Act, and the Senate Code of Official Conduct. As provided by various Senate rules, OPR also handles public financial disclosure, reimbursed travel reports, registration of mass mailings, political fund designations, and supervisors' reports on individuals performing Senate services. The office reviews the filings of and provides guidance to registrants under the LDA.

U.S. Senate: Archives of the United States Senate
Introducing the Taliban Leadership Tracker
Introducing the Taliban Leadership Tracker

Information includes: full name; position; ethnicity; province; district; and tribe.

Since seizing control of Afghanistan in August 2021, the Taliban has appointed thousands of individuals to various political, military, administrative, and judicial positions across the country, occupying crucial roles as decision-makers, influencers, local enforcers, and implementers who help shape the Taliban government policies and actions.

Introducing the Taliban Leadership Tracker
Conflict Records Research Center
Conflict Records Research Center

The CRRC researcher database currently consists of two distinct collections: 1) Saddam Hussein’s Iraq; and 2) al-Qaeda and Associated Movements (overwhelmingly from Afghanistan).

It contains over 1,300 records, constituting over 59,000 pages and 195 hours of audio, with new records added weekly. All records in the CRRC consist of a file information sheet containing basic background information, a digital copy or audio file of the original record in Arabic, and a full English translation. The CRRC researcher database includes software that can search the full breadth of the English-language information sheets and translations, though not the Arabic texts. Please note that the quality of the translations and Arabic transcriptions (in the case of the audio) varies, and that the Arabic audio files and digital documents are the official records, not the translations or transliterations.

The Conflict Records Research Center (CRRC) was established to fulfill the Secretary of Defense’s intent to enable research into captured records with “complete openness and rigid adherence to academic freedom and integrity.” The CRRC’s mission is to facilitate the use of captured records to support research, both within and outside the government.

Electronic copies reside in a restricted U.S. Government database. The CRRC’s primary purpose is to make copies of a significant portion of these records available to scholars in the CRRC’s researcher database. We seek to make these copies, along with full English translations, available as quickly and responsibly as possible, while taking into account legitimate national security concerns, the integrity of the academic process, and risks to innocent individuals. Established at the direction of the Office of the Under Secretary of Defense (Policy) (OUSD(P)), the center operates under the National Defense University’s Institute for National Strategic Studies (INSS).

Conflict Records Research Center
NCJRS Virtual Library Search | Office of Justice Programs
NCJRS Virtual Library Search | Office of Justice Programs

Established in 1972, the National Criminal Justice Reference Service (NCJRS) is a federally funded resource offering justice and drug-related information to support research, policy, and program development worldwide.

The NCJRS Virtual Library contains bibliographic information and abstracts of more than 230,000 collection resources and over 80,000 online materials, including all known OJP works.

NCJRS Virtual Library Search | Office of Justice Programs
VictimLaw - Home
VictimLaw - Home
VictimLaw is a searchable database of victims' rights legal provisions including federal, state, and territorial statutes, tribal laws, state constitutional amendments, court rules, administrative code provisions, and summaries of related court decisions and attorney general opinions.
VictimLaw - Home
Bin Laden's Bookshelf
Bin Laden's Bookshelf

In the weeks following the raid on Osama bin Laden’s compound in Abbottabad, Pakistan, by United States forces, U.S. Intelligence Community analysts sifted through the recovered digital and hard copy materials in search of clues that would reveal ongoing al-Qaida plots, identities and locations of al-Qaida personnel, and other information of immediate importance.

On May 20, 2015, the ODNI released a sizeable tranche of documents recovered from the compound used to hide Osama bin Laden. On March 1, 2016, the ODNI released a second tranche of material gleaned from the Abbottabad raid. On January 19, 2017, the ODNI released the final tranche of documents. These releases, which followed a rigorous interagency review, align with the President’s call for increased transparency–consistent with national security prerogatives–and the 2014 Intelligence Authorization Act, which required the ODNI to conduct a review of the documents for release.

Bin Laden's Bookshelf
Federal Register
Federal Register

The Federal Register is the official journal of record for acts of the United States government. The publication is a primary source for proposed rules, final rules, and rule changes within U.S. federal agencies, as well as for executive orders and other presidential documents. Updated daily and printed Monday through Friday (with the exception of federal holidays), the Federal Register includes the following categories:

  • Presidential documents, executive orders, and proclamations
  • Rules and regulations (policy statements and interpretations of rules by federal agencies)
  • Proposed rules (petitions by agencies for assistance in rulemaking and other proposals
  • Notices (scheduled hearings and meetings open to the public, grant applications, and administrative orders)
Federal Register
FOIA: U.S. State Department
FOIA: U.S. State Department

The Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) allows the public to request records from federal agencies.

On this website, you can:

Learn about the Department's FOIA and other information access programs Search available records Learn how to request records Request records online using the Public Access Link (PAL)Opens this website in new window. portal

FOIA: U.S. State Department
Catalog of U.S. Government Publications (CGP)
Catalog of U.S. Government Publications (CGP)

The CGP is the search tool for print and electronic titles of the National Bibliography of U.S. Government Publications. The National Bibliography is made up of publications from across the legislative, executive, and judicial branches of the U.S. Government.

The CGP is a bibliography, not a document repository. The CGP will only provide links to full-text resources that are the official, authoritative copy of an electronic resource.


  • Bibliographic information for new and historic Government Publications dating back to the late 1800s
  • Over one million bibliographic records generated since July 1976.
  • Over 240,000 links to official full-text electronic titles.
  • Updated daily.
Catalog of U.S. Government Publications (CGP)
NATO Library: NATO Publications: Introduction
NATO Library: NATO Publications: Introduction
A list of publications (downloadable official texts, encyclopedia, standards, annual reports, glossaries, handbooks, terms/terminology database, and newsletters/gazettes) from NATO and NATO Bodies. Here you will find information about a a variety of sources, ranging from the secretary Generals Annual Report, to Law publications, Cyber and AI, etc.
NATO Library: NATO Publications: Introduction
About this Collection | Afghanistan, Iran, Pakistan and Tajikistan Government Web Archive | Digital Collections | Library of Congress
About this Collection | Afghanistan, Iran, Pakistan and Tajikistan Government Web Archive | Digital Collections | Library of Congress
This collection consists of official government websites for Afghanistan, Iran, Pakistan and Tajikistan and provides an overview of the political, economic, administrative and social situation in these four countries. Several of these governmental websites contain information in English, Urdu, Persian (Farsi and Dari dialects), Pashto, Tajik and Russian languages. The depth of information is best for the Urdu, Persian, Pashto and Tajik languages, so pages in all four of these languages have been harvested. Through this archive collection, researchers can track the development and evolution of important political positions, related publications and changes in government agencies and the quasi-governmental organizations (universities, cultural institutions, museums, etc.) that together comprise the current governments of these four countries.
About this Collection | Afghanistan, Iran, Pakistan and Tajikistan Government Web Archive | Digital Collections | Library of Congress
National Security Archive | Virtual Reading Room
National Security Archive | Virtual Reading Room
Browse and search through thousands of declassified primary-source materials collected by The National Security Archive. BRIEFING BOOKS: (found under the "POSTINGS" tab) put the documents hosted on the NSArchive website into historical context.
National Security Archive | Virtual Reading Room
Архив Национальной Безопасности - Российская программа (National Security Archive | Russian Page)
Архив Национальной Безопасности - Российская программа (National Security Archive | Russian Page)
DC-based nonprofit that produces collections of FOIA-released US government documents has a Russian section that includes about 18,000 declassified Russian and Eurasian (including Georgian) documents. Found under the коллекции (Collections) tab.
Архив Национальной Безопасности - Российская программа (National Security Archive | Russian Page)
Електронний архів українського визвольного руху | Digital Archive of Ukrainian Liberation Movement (20th century)
Електронний архів українського визвольного руху | Digital Archive of Ukrainian Liberation Movement (20th century)
Website/metadata is available in Ukrainian and English. Over 21,000 Ukrainian language documents; more than 12,000 Russian; hundreds of Polish, Czech, and other European docuemnts. About:..."documents and materials covering the activities of organizations of the Ukrainian liberation movement: the armed underground (Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists, Ukrainian Insurgent Army, Ukrainian Main Liberation Council, etc.), dissident and mass national democratic movement in the second half of the XX century; documents of repressive structures of occupation regimes (NKVD-MGB-KGB, German Gestapo and security service, etc.).The project aims to provide open access to electronic copies of documents on the history of the Ukrainian liberation movement in the XX century. At this stage of implementation [2/2022], the E-archive contains more than 10,000 documents from the collections of the Center for Liberation Movement Studies, and from the Fund 13 of the SBU Branch State Archive "Collection of Printed KGB of the USSR", electronic copies of which were transferred to Lviv National University.
Електронний архів українського визвольного руху | Digital Archive of Ukrainian Liberation Movement (20th century)
Department of Health and Human Services | Electronic Reading Room
Department of Health and Human Services | Electronic Reading Room
At HHS, each major organizational component has its own Electronic Reading Room. Scroll down to browse frequently requested records, or click on any of the Operating Division Reading Rooms for more specific documents.
Department of Health and Human Services | Electronic Reading Room
Freedom of Information Act Electronic Reading Room | CIA FOIA (
Freedom of Information Act Electronic Reading Room | CIA FOIA (
"Reading Room" tab (top menu) helps by showing some filter options and allows browsing of collections. Clicking "Historical Collections" (left menu) shows list of all historical collections. Requester portal gives tips for submitting FOIA request and provides FOIA Annual Reports (2001-current).
Freedom of Information Act Electronic Reading Room | CIA FOIA (