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Washington Research Library Consortium (WRLC)
Washington Research Library Consortium (WRLC)
Searching the catalog requires no log-in credentials, however access to the physical locations varies based on individual library policies. Items or chapter/article scans may often be requested through the consortium (if user is located at a partner library) or via InterLibrary Loan (ILL). Ask your local librarian about options. This Washington D.C.-based consortium is made up of nine academic libraries: American University, Washington, D.C.; Gallaudet University; University of America; George Mason University (GMU); George Washington University (GWU); Georgetown University; Howard University; Marymount University; University of the District of Columbia (UDC). The consortium catalog is searchable without logging in, however researchers are prompted to select a university before searching.
Washington Research Library Consortium (WRLC) The World's Largest Library Catalog The World's Largest Library Catalog
Find what you want in a library near you with WorldCat, a global catalog of library collections. If you find what you are looking for at a library outside of your own, talk to your librarian about how to obtain the item. Options such as InterLibrary Loan (ILL) may be available.
·· The World's Largest Library Catalog
The Rijksmuseum and other participants in sought a more advanced and future-looking system to give single-search access to the world’s most important art library catalogs. The Future of Art Bibliography group established the Art Discovery Group Catalogue on WorldCat because of its ability to pull results from participating libraries as well as other freely available databases faster than any other system.