Speelplaatsen ontharden. Draaiboek voor een klimaatbestendige

International good practices youth infrastructure
Broedplekkentraject | Coördinatie Brussel
Speelbos Hof De Bist
Officiële website van de stad Antwerpen met online dienstverlening (e-loket en afspraken maken), praktische informatie (contactgegevens en openingsuren), nieuws op maat, stadsplan, vrijetijdskalender en vacatures.
Landscape Architecture Platform | Landezine
World's largest archive of contemporary landscape architecture projects from around the globe.
Playcation 2023
Playcation betekent een hele zomer lang vrij en niet-begeleid spelen en sporten.
Home - Springzaad
Springzaad.be is een open netwerk, waarin iedereen welkom is die meer ruimte wil scheppen voor natuur, kinderen en jongeren.
Accueil - ChartierDalix
Pour ChartierDalix l’architecture est envisagée comme un système construit combinant l’accueil du vivant, et la poésie.
Iconisch basketbalplein Nieuwe Graanmarkt krijgt make-over: ‘Dit plein is erfgoed’
Het populaire basketbalplein aan de Dansaertwijk krijgt een kleurtje. In samenwerking met organisatie Bball in the Sky is kunstenaar Dema One er deze week aan een fresco begonnen.
Office Profile: Studio Vulkan
The future belongs to open space – in times of climate change, we are looking for new imagery for situations that have been familiar for generations. The classically defined project scale is only part of a more extensive patchwork – understanding open space as part of a networked system of natural space, social space, and […]
DE URBANISTEN is a renowned office for urban design and landscape architecture based in Rotterdam, The Netherlands.
Jeugdinfrastructuur op unieke locaties
Er zijn heel wat boeiende plekken in Vlaanderen en Brussel waar jeugdwerk of jeugddiensten zijn gehuisvest. We maakten een opsomming ter inspiratie.
Pulse Transitienetwerk
Expertisenetwerk voor duurzaamheid in de culturele sector, jeugdsector en mediasector.
Visietekst speelvriendelijke wadi's ~ Kind & Samenleving
Visietekst speelvriendelijke wadi's
CityChangers.org - Know how to create better cities!
Welcome to CityChangers.org – a digital resource hub for all who want to drive sustainable change in cities.
Re-PLay Risicovol spelen
Speelmakers: Een speelsere wereld voor alle kinderen!
Pier 26
Opened in 2020 in Tribeca, this 2.5-acre, ecologically-themed pier incorporates native plants evocative of Manhattan’s ecosystem before human development.
Cupola XS
1000 m2 co-workspace direct onder de iconische koepel, 40 private offices, vergader- en trainingsruimtes en toonaangevende events over tech en business.
People, place, and nature come together in this vision for the future of Downsview in Toronto. Jointly led by Northcrest Developments and Canada Lands Company and with design partners SLA and KPMB Architects, Henning Larsen has reimagined the future of the expansive, 520-acre former airfield as a green-minded, human-scale and people-first community.
From Deep Data to Dynamic District: How can big data drive a new design paradigm in urban development?
As Copenhagen’s Refshaleøen district evolves into a dynamic cultural hub, a critical question arises: How can Henning Larsen propel development without compromising the area's distinctive creative spirit?
Harvesting ancient wisdom: a guide to designing with straw
The practice of building with straw has been around for thousands of years. As modern, industrialized approaches have proven their devastating impacts on our planet we are increasingly wondering; can straw be a feasible, biogenic alternative to current construction materials? In this Q&A, architect Magnus Reffs Kramhøft dismantles some of the myths about designing with straw.
Evergreen Innovation: Even in the Cold, Our Green Facade Looks Cool
Northern European climates pose a big challenge to integrating green facades in architecture. Life leaves ‘living’ walls as temperatures drop; we see green facades change from green to brown, taking away the beauty of a ‘green wall’ and its effect on local flora and fauna.
Lighthouse at Darling Park in Sydney, Australia by Henning Larsen Architects
Dein Wien for future - Junges Wien - Stadt Wien
Rethinking Urban Green Spaces
‘This is a blockbuster book for the future of urban green spaces. An inspiring overview of the opportunities and challenges in green space development, with innovative answers to timely challenges in a changing world. Konijnendijk's personal perspective as a world-leading expert makes the book incredibly worth reading. A must-read for anyone professionally involved with or interested in urban green spaces.’ – Ingo Kowarik, Technical University Berlin, Germany