Untold stories of climate change loss and damage in the LDCs: Rwanda
Korte introfilmpjes/getuigenissen over klimaatonheemding (ENG)
This is the last of a three-part animation series, in which people from the least developed countries (LDCs) share their experience of climate impacts.
In this video, youth climate activist Ineza Umuhoza Grace narrates her lived experience of loss and damage in Rwanda. Unexpected and extreme meteorological shifts cause land degradation and destruction of infrastructure, affecting people's lives and livelihoods.
Grace also emphasises the power of youth-led initiatives to bring stories of loss and damage to the international policymaking level.
The short film is also available in Kinyarwanda: https://youtu.be/kLfgeZwMvRU
Read the full story on IIED's website: https://www.iied.org/youth-initiatives-key-tackling-climate-change-loss-damage-rwanda-captured-iieds-latest-animation
Watch the other animations in the series:
Solomon Islands: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8lA4e-1Aiu0
Sierra Leone: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yVvVk2zNSbo
This animation was produced by the International Institute for Environment and Development (IIED) with The Like Minded.