Heat Recovery & Energy Recovery Ventilators - HRV & ERV
ARSC Performance Bookmarks
One Earth Navigator
Contour Map Online
Jackson Vertical Hydroponic Farm - GROZINE
Sole Food Street Farms
BC Manual of Composting Toilet and Greywater Practice
Calwer Passage
Canada Weather Stats
Degree Day Calculator
Carrot City explores how design enables the production of food in cities.
Wood. Rethinking Material
Datawrapper: Create charts, maps, and tables
Ramboll launches open access carbon database for buildings
City of Vancouver - Embodied Carbon Guidelines
National guidelines for whole-building life cycle assessment - NRC Publications Archive
Shadowmap | Sun-Powered Insights. Anywhere on Earth.
Shademap.app - Simulate sun shadows
Building-a-Circular-Future 3rd.pdf
Rebeauty – new report on reusing building materials
Future Building Design Value Explorer for Canada
When to Open Your Windows to Cool Down – Low Technology Institute
Heating people, not spaces
FutuREstorative: Working Towards a New Sustainability
Rethinking Window Size - GreenBuildingAdvisor
What really matters in multi-storey building design? A simultaneous sensitivity study of embodied carbon, construction cost, and operational energy
BC Marine Conservation Analysis Mapping Resources
Import contour lines to Rhino or Revit with QGIS
Generate a DSM from a point cloud in QGIS using the LASTools plugin
Density and Sustainability - A - Jason F. Mclennan.pdf