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why is extensive Word debt a risk for the world economy?
why is extensive Word debt a risk for the world economy?

why is extensive Word debt a risk for the world economy?

Extensive global debt poses several key risks for the world economy[1][2][3][4]:

  1. Reduced capacity to withstand shocks: High-debt economies are more vulnerable to economic shocks and have less scope for counter-cyclical fiscal policy to support their economies during crises[3].

  2. Impaired long-term growth: Excessive debt can undermine long-term economic performance by crowding out private investment, increasing uncertainty, and leading to higher future distortionary taxation[2][3].

  3. Spillover effects and financial contagion: Debt crises in one country can spread economic pain to other countries through tightening of financial conditions, slowdown in trade, and loss of confidence[1][4].

  4. Debt servicing burden: High debt levels force governments to devote more resources to interest payments rather than productive investments in areas like health, education, and infrastructure[5].

  5. Increased risk of sovereign defaults: Unsustainable debt burdens raise the risk of sovereign defaults, which can have devastating effects on domestic economies and the broader global financial system[1][4].

In summary, the extensive global debt burden poses significant macroeconomic risks, including reduced resilience, impaired long-term growth, financial contagion, and the potential for disruptive sovereign debt crises[1][2][3][4][5].

Zitate: [1] Constantinos Herodotou: The global debt trap – the implications for ... [2] How Does Excessive Debt Hurt an Economy? [3] [PDF] Economic consequences of high public debt: evidence from three ... [4] How a Country's Debt Crisis Can Affect Economies Around the World [5] A world of debt | UNCTAD

why is extensive Word debt a risk for the world economy?