Melanie Mitchell
Melanie Mitchell
Melanie Mitchell is a Professor at the Santa Fe Institute and the author of Artificial Intelligence: A Guide for Thinking Humans. Her newsletter features short reflections on interesting new developments in AI.
Melanie Mitchell
Jack Clark
Jack Clark
Jack Clark is the co-founder of Anthropic, the AI company that has developed Claude and produces research on AI safety and governance. Import AI is his weekly newsletter about artificial intelligence based on detailed analysis of cutting-edge research.
Jack Clark
Marc Watkins
Marc Watkins
Marc Watkins is a Lecturer in the First-Year Writing Program at the University of Mississippi. Rhetorica is his newsletter on culture, AI, and education.
Marc Watkins
Ethan Mollick
Ethan Mollick
Ethan Mollick is an Associate Professor at the Wharton School at Penn. One Useful Thing is his newsletter trying to understand the implications of AI for work, education, and life.
Ethan Mollick