How Flexbox works — explained with big, colorful, animated gifs
A Visual Guide to CSS3 Flexbox Properties
Flexbox’s Best-Kept Secret – Medium
Flexbox | Codrops CSS Reference
Flexbox playground
Introduction to Flexbox! - Tutorial 2 of 20 💪
20 Small, Yet Viable Solutions Based on Flexbox | Notey
Flexbox playground
display: flex
CSS Flexbox Toolbox – Learning Guides, Tools & Frameworks | Notey
The Best Flexbox Blogs - Notey
CSS Flexbox Please!
Vertical Centering — Solved by Flexbox — Cleaner, hack-free CSS
A Designer’s Guide To Flexbox
CSS3 Flexbox
An Introduction to Flexbox - Slicejack
Using CSS flexible boxes
Flexbox Snippets - Packages - Package Control
Flexy Boxes — CSS flexbox playground and code generation tool
flexbox in 5 minutes
Experiment: Using Flexbox Today - Chris Wright
Flexbox adventures - Chris Wright - Interaction designer