Identity assurance principles for identity services in government

Digital Identity
GOV.UK One Login: 1.5 million people already benefiting from reform of government services online
Cracking the problem of online identification
Digital identification: A key to inclusive growth
Digital identity: what the UK government needs to get right
GOV.UK Verify - Wikipedia
GOV.UK Verify
Government-wide login system due to start public testing this month
Identity proofing and authentication
How to prove and verify someone's identity
Zombified Verify is officially dead - so what's next? - Computer Weekly Editor's Blog
UK government to trial new single sign-on system for
Identity Assurance - Government Digital Service
Government Gateway - Wikipedia
How the government plans to verify your identity online
Introducing GOV.UK Accounts
Building a single sign-on for government: What we’ve learnt so far
GOV.UK Sign In
The UK digital identity and attributes trust framework
GOV.UK Sign In Technical Documentation - Sign In